Chapter 11

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The next morning, Stiles walked into the kitchen, rubbing his eyes.

"What's for breakfast?" he asked with a yawn.

"Leftovers that were meant for dinner last night."


"I'm kidding, Stiles. Bacon and pancakes. Sit down and help yourself." Fi glanced down at her phone as the screen lit up, signalling a notification.

❤️: Hey, I'm gonna have to do a raincheck today. I don't think I'll be able to pick you up from school today.

Fi: That's okay. I'll get Stiles to bring me home. Is everything okay? Are you feeling alright?

❤️: Well, I'm not feeling that great right now. But don't worry about me. Focus on school. Keep those grades high. Love you.😘🥰

Fi: Love you too. Get some rest.

"Hey, Stiles?"

"Yeah, Fi?"

"Don't talk with your mouth full for one. And another thing. Um, could you give me a ride home today? I was gonna hang out with a friend after school today, but they've come down with something."

"Sure thing. Thanks for being willing to not bring it home to the rest of the fam."


School was normal that day. However, what happened after was not normal. At least to Fionnuala.

"So you and me tonight with no interruptions!" Stiles said, as they got into his jeep.

"What do you mean?"

"No Scott. He's doing a studying session with the new girl Allison."

"Hold on. Allison is in my study group though."

"Well, clearly she bailed on you guys tonight."

"I guess." Fionnuala glanced up from her phone in time to see Derek step out right in front of the jeep. "Stiles!"

Her brother immediately slammed on the brakes. "What's he doing here?!" he said, frustrated.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean this guy is everywhere!"

"I seriously doubt it. Stop being so overdramatic."

Just then, Derek collapsed onto the concrete.

Without hesitation, Fionnuala unbuckled herself and got out of the car.

"Fi! What are you doing?"

"Well, I'm not about to leave him here!" she replied. "Get one of the back doors open and help me get him in the car."

Stiles rolled his eyes, but obeyed.

Soon they were on their way out of the school parking lot. Fionnuala kept glancing into the back where Derek was laid across all the seats.

"Why do you keep doing that?"

"Keep doing what?"

"Looking back there."

"To make sure he doesn't die."

"Isolde-" he mumbled.

"Shh," she answered. "It'll be okay."

"Hold on a minute." Stiles stopped at a stop sign and turned to look at her. "Did I just hear what I thought I just heard?"

"Depends on what you thought you just heard."

"Did he just call you Isolde? Your middle name? Wait a second. Is this the friend you were telling me about? The one who came down with something? Fi, you've got a lot of explaining to do."

"Stiles, that's not a concern at the moment. What we need to worry about is Derek dying. So call Scott."

"Do you even know what he is?"

"Yes, Stiles! I know what Derek is! And I know what Scott is! So call him!"

Stiles nodded and took out his phone, dialing Scott's number.

"Hey, Scott. How's studying going?"

"Studying has been fine, Stiles. What do you need?"

"So we've got a bit of an issue here. Derek showed up at school and now he's bleeding out in my backseat."

"Wait, bleeding?"

"Yeah. From a wound in his arm."

"I remember something happening last night. Someone shot him."

"Is this true, Derek? Someone shot you?"

"Yes. With a bullet laced with wolfs-bane. He needs to bring me one."

"Scott, he says he was shot with a laced wolfs-bane bullet. He needs you to bring him one."

"Well, I can't right now. You know what. Bring him to the animal clinic. I'll  bring the antidote as soon as I can."

"Fantastic." Stiles hung up. "Derek, we're going to the animal clinic. And, Fi. You better have a really good explanation."

"Just drive, Stiles."

"Alright, alright. I'm driving."

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