Chapter 21

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 As soon as she had said that, he buried his face in his arms and whimpered quietly.

Fionnuala knelt there next to the bed, not saying anything. She just let him work through the pain as she ran her fingers through his hair, letting him know she was there.

Derek actually wasn't in that much pain anymore. She had been right. Now that the first two minutes were up, the burn wasn't that bad.

"You got a couple more minutes," she whispered. "Then it's the ice packs for the rest of the night."

"Okay," he answered just as quietly.

"How's the pain?"

"It's better. You were right."

Silence fell between them again before Fionnuala pulled the covers back and the back of Derek's shirt up. Then she removed all the hot packs and walked out of the room, returning with the ice packs, a wet washcloth, and fresh bandages.

"I'm gonna need you to do something for me," she told him. "Can you sit up so I can check how your injury is doing?"

"Yeah," he answered, sitting up and pulling his shirt off.

She unwrapped the injury and cleaned it before wrapping it again.

"How does it feel?" she asked.

"I can feel it healing," he responded. "It's slow, but I can feel it happening."

"Good. Put your shirt back on and lie down." She patted the bed. "On your stomach, please."

He nodded and obeyed. She pulled the back of his shirt up again, and placed the ice packs on his back. He flinched.

"Is it the sudden temperature change?" she asked.


She tugged his shirt back down and pulled the covers over him again. "Stay relaxed, okay?"

He nodded, closing his eyes. "Where are you going?" he asked, as she got up off the bed.

She gave him a kiss on the forehead. "I'm gonna check on the laundry and put the hot packs away. If the laundry is done, I'm gonna switch it over to the dryer. Then I need to get some sleep because I have school in 9 hours. I also need to call Stiles and ask him to grab my schoolbag before he leaves for school tomorrow."

"You have to get good sleep tonight. Here, take my bed." He started to get up.

"No, Derek. You get the bed. I'll be fine." Fionnuala pushed him back down gently.

"Fine. We can both get the bed."


"It's big enough for both of us. If you need space, I can give you plenty."

She smiled. "You're saying that as if we don't snuggle every time we hang out."

"Well, we've never shared a bed before."

"That's true." He looked up at her. "The offer still stands."

"I'll think about it. But I need to go do these things first." She picked up the hot packs. "You'd better still be there when I get back. If you've moved, you'll be in big trouble."

He nodded as she left.

The young girl put the hot packs away and pulled out her phone as she went to check on Derek's clothes. She dialed his number and waited as it rang. Finally, somebody picked up.

"Scott, for the last time, I'm not telling you where Fi is. So leave me alone. I need to keep my grades up."

"I'm glad you're keeping your promise to me," she replied, as she began moving the wet clothes to the dryer.

"Oh. Hey, Fi. What's wrong?"

"Well, I had finished and packed up my schoolwork when I heard Scott's howl and booked it to the school. I didn't know that I was gonna be at Derek's all night, so-"

"Do you need me to bring your bag to school tomorrow?"


"Yeah. I can do that."

"Go ahead and get that sleep, so you can keep your grades up. I love you."

"Love you too. Night."

Fionnuala hung up and started the dryer before returning to Derek's room where he lay fast asleep. She bit her lip, before deciding to take Derek up on his offer.

So, doing her best not to disturb him, she set her alarm for 7:00 and lay down next to him, leaving a good space between them. 

"Goodnight, my big bad wolf," she whispered.

"Hm. Goodnight, sunshine," he answered just as quietly.

Forbidden Hidden Love (Teen Wolf)(Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now