Chapter 29

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"Hey, sweetie," Melissa said as Fionnuala woke up. She brushed her hair back. "You feeling any better?"

The young girl nodded slightly. "A little bit," she answered, her voice still hoarse from coughing earlier.

Melissa lightly placed a hand on her forehead. "You're still pretty feverish. You might have to stay for the next week or so."

Fionnuala nodded. "Okay."

"Oh, honey. I know how much this sucks."

She nodded again. "I hate hospitals."

"I know you do." Melissa gave her a sympathetic smile. "And I understand why."

"I fell behind last semester because I was in the hospital so much," Fi said.

"I'm really sorry you feel horrible."

"Not like you can do anything about it." The 16-year-old huffed. "No medicine works on me, remember?"

"Well, some of the nurses here have actually been trying to figure out a medication that will, hopefully, not land you in the hospital so often."

"So, a cure?"

"Not quite. But close enough."

"I'm willing to try anything at this point."

"Alright. How much water have you drunk recently?"

"Not a lot."

"Alright then. We'll need to get you hooked up to an IV to re-hydrate you, alright?"

She nodded, so Melissa set about hooking her up to one.

"So, you and Derek?"

Fionnuala blushed. "Yeah."

"He seems nice."

"He is. And he's not a murderer."

"He said your dad doesn't know about you two. And don't worry, I promised your brother I wouldn't tell any cops that Derek was here. And I promised Derek that I wouldn't tell anyone about you two." Melissa finished up and smiled at her. "I'm gonna go so that you can get more rest, okay?"

The sick girl grabbed Melissa's hand as she turned away. "Thank you," she whispered.

"You're welcome. Get some sleep."


The following Monday evening, Stiles appeared in his sister's doorway at the hospital.

"Hey," he said, a bag over one shoulder. "How are you feeling?"

"Better," she answered. "What do you have there?"

"Homework. Unfortunately, I can't stay here for very long."


"Well, for one, if Derek is gonna try returning to his house, let's just say it's best if he doesn't."


"Dad's got cops watching his house."

"Stiles, he moved back in yesterday afternoon."

"Well, he better not move."

"But he said he was gonna come visit me tonight! What's the second thing?"

"The reason I can't be here tonight to study with you is because tonight's the full moon."


"Yeah. But, on the bright side, I brought you your homework so you don't fall behind like last time."

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