Chapter 15

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Derek sighed, laying back on his bed in his loft. He really wished his time with Fionnuala, or Isolde as he knew her, hadn't been cut short so soon.

He also knew how much she had hated being hidden in the room while Kate was zapping him with electricity. He had seen the fear in her eyes when he dropped her off in front of her house.

"Shit," he cursed, sitting up. He left his phone in his car back at the house. He didn't want to go back in case they were still there. But he needed to let her know somehow that he hadn't forgotten her. He ran his hands through his hair with a sigh. Things had been going so well.

All of a sudden, he froze. Somebody was trying to sneak in. He listened a little closer. No, make that two someones.

"Are you serious? This is where his scent led us? To a rundown building? C'mon, Scott."

He opened the door and yanked the two teenagers inside the loft.

"What are you two doing here?" he growled quietly.

"Uh, just looking for you," Scott answered.

"Why? And did anyone follow you here?"

"No, no one followed us here."

"I'll be the judge of that." Derek stood there with his arms crossed over his chest in front of the two teenagers, staring at them. "But first, I want to know why you decided to follow my scent here."

"It's my sister," Stiles began.

"Is she okay?" Derek asked, concern in his voice.

"Yeah, she's fine. She's sleeping right now. Same as my dad. So she's not alone at the house."

"What about your sister then?"

"She told me about what happened today. She forced herself to eat dinner so that nobody would ask questions as to why she wasn't eating. One of the sheriff deputies brings a home-cooked meal over twice a week so we're not stuck eating the same stuff every night. She came over tonight and noticed how pale Fi was. Fi lied and said it was hunger since she didn't eat a lot for lunch. I know that's not true. Fi rarely eats lunch. Tara believed her though and we sat down to eat. Fi forced herself to eat tonight because she lied to Tara and said she was hungry. I could tell she was feeling even worse after dinner than before. Now I wanna know something." Stiles took two steps closer to Derek. "What's wrong with you?"

"What are you talking about?"

"No kiss? No 'I love you'?" Stiles glared at him. "What kind of a boyfriend are you?"

"The kind who's trying to stay alive. She knows I love her and I saw that your dad was home. I dropped her off in front of your house. That is way closer than I'm used to. I usually drop her off at the end of your street. Today, I wanted to make sure she made it inside okay. I know she was shaken up. I did my best to reassure her. I told her I had another place to live. I'm trying to keep her safe, Stiles."

"What happened to texting her to let her know that you're okay? She was staring at her phone over half the time we were talking after dinner because there was nothing from you! As a matter of fact, I'm pretty darn sure she texted you first in hopes you'd reply!"

"She texted me? Stiles, do you know how many texts she sent?"

"Two or three maybe?"

"Maybe?" Derek ran his hands through his hair. "She sent more than one text?"

"Yeah. That's kind of how Fi is."

"You need to tell her to stop texting me."

"Why would you ask that?"

"Because I don't have my phone on me. When I pick up Isolde after school, I always leave my phone in the car because I'm dropping her off at home or at her study group after."

"You left your phone in the car when you got to your place?" Scott asked.

"Yeah. Why would you need your phone to text your girlfriend when you're alone together?"

"Touche." Stiles nodded. "Just go get it from your car."

"It's not that simple. When we left, a gun was getting fired. We didn't have time to jump into the car. We ran. My car is still back at my place with my phone still in it."

"Why don't you just go get it?"

"Stiles, if you were told the story then you would know that our alone time was interrupted by three hunters. One of them, by the way, was the one who shot me with the wolfs-bane. They could very well be waiting for me to go back. So no. I will not be returning. And if they're still there, which they probably still are, they would have seen my phone screen lighting up with text messages from a certain someone named Isolde on my phone. They're gonna figure out that this someone is near and dear to me. And they're gonna arrange a meeting place. Unknowingly, she will be walking into a trap. In trapping her, they will be laying a trap for me. So, I need you to go tell her to stop texting me until I get into contact with her again."

Stiles nodded. "I will. C'mon, Scott."

Derek nodded back. "Bye."

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