Chapter 7

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Rage ducked down right before the ball of snow hit him and it slammed into the cave wall behind him. Rage stood up and pulled out his dual blades. His eyes, now adjusted, could make out a large figure in the distance. As the moon came out from behind a cloud Rage could make out the entire scene. 

 A large green Brute Wyvern, covered in snow, was attacking a woman with long blonde hair, dressed in a green cloak

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 A large green Brute Wyvern, covered in snow, was attacking a woman with long blonde hair, dressed in a green cloak. It looked to be armor made from the feathers of a Pukei-Pukei. She pulled out a heavy bowgun and fired at the monster. The monster recoiled in pain. It roared at the hunter, lowered its head, and charged forward. As the woman rolled out of the way, Rage recognized the monster as a Jade Barroth, a subspecies of Barroth found in colder climates, such as the Tundra. They coat themselves with snow and ice, which can be flung at perceived threats. 

What was it doing here, this far away from its usual snowy and cold habitat? Was this somehow connected to the Yian Garuga he and Zakrin had seen earlier? Rage didn't have time to think to much about it because the woman was about to be crushed by the Jade Barroth's head.

"Zakrin we need to-" He began. 

"Already on it!" Zakrin called, running past Rage, helmet on and hammer at the ready.

Zakrin let out a yell and leapt at the monster's head, slamming his hammer down. The Jade Barroth stumbled back, stunned. The woman didn't question Zakrin and stood up, reloading her bowgun. She aimed at the creature's left leg but before she could fire, the Barroth let out a bellow and started thrashing around. The woman looked up in surprise and Zakrin followed her gaze. Clinging to the back of the Jade Barroth was Rage. He was hanging on to one of his dual blades, which was firmly implanted inside the creature's back, and was stabbing it with the other. The Brute Wyvern suddenly lurched to the side, causing Rage to drop one of his dual blades. He desperately clung to the remaining dual blade for dear life. The Jade Barroth continued to thrash about, trying to get Rage off it's back, but Rage managed to hold on. The woman turned her gaze toward Zakrin.

"Hey! Hammer boy! I'm going to shot some sticky ammo onto it's head. Think you can help give it a headache?" She gestured towards Zakrin's hammer.

Zakrin nodded and griped his hammer tighter. The woman loaded in some sticky ammo and aimed. One at a time, the small bombs shot out of the gun and onto the beast's head. They landed with a satisfying pop and ignited. Zakrin charged at the Jade Barroth. With a bang the bombs went off one after the other, and Zakrin slammed his hammer into the side of the Barroth's jaw. It let out a roar and fell onto it's side. Rage pulled his dual blade out of the Brute Wyvern's back and picked up the other off the ground. He ran at the monster's head and thrust his blades in as deep into it's skull as he could. The Jade Barroth slowly stopped trying to get up, the life fading from its eyes. Rage pulled back out his dual blades and moved to where the woman and Zakrin were standing.

"Nice work you two." The woman said.

"Thanks, I guess." Zakrin said, his helmet in the crook of his arm. He stared at the woman.

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