Chapter 14

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Rage's feet hurt so bad. They had been walking for five days now. He had no idea how much farther Kamura Village was. He glanced up at the sun, slowly making its way to the middle of the sky. All he could think about was the pain in his feet. He looked down at the ground and kept walking, thinking about how nice it would be to sit down again. After a few minutes of walking, Rage felt a hand on his shoulder. He looked up at the face of the Caravaneer who was smiling. 

"Look up ahead, son. We made it." He said. 

Rage weakly looked down the path and saw a large open gate that lead to a small village. Streams of flame spewed from metal dragon heads scattered throughout the village. Rage cried out in joy, so glad that the walking had finally come to an end. He ran down the path towards the village. Not even a Lao-Shan Lung could stop him. Many other people in the group followed him. Rage entered the village and fell on his knees, smiling.  

Soon everyone from the airship was in the village, much to the alarm of many of the villagers

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Soon everyone from the airship was in the village, much to the alarm of many of the villagers. The village elder, Elder Fugen, walked up to the Caravaneer and Prudens to talk. 

The Elder was a large man with white hair and black markings on his face

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The Elder was a large man with white hair and black markings on his face. He wore a Kamura style suit of armor and had two swords strapped to his back.  As they talked Rage sat with his friends, introducing them to one another. 

"Okay, so guys, this is Zakrin. He is from the New World. He has fought some pretty awesome monsters. Nessa, I know you're thinking it, and I'm sure Zakrin can tell you all about the monsters he's fought...later." 

Nessa blushed slightly. Jarger laughed, knowing as well as Rage did that Nessa wanted to throw question after question at Zakrin. Rage smiled at Nessa, which made her blush more, although Rage didn't notice it. 

"And this is Lyla. She is the niece to the Caravaneer and is wicked with a bowgun. She's fought her fair share of monsters. She's HR 37 I think. Pretty strong." 

Lyla smiled proudly. "Actually, I'm HR 38. But I understand how you could get that confused." 

Everyone laughed at that. As they finished laughing, the Caravaneer, Chief Prudens, and Elder Fugen walked up to the group. Fugen smiled at the kids warmly. 

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