- Lost you -

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CONTENT WARNINGS: gun violence, sad Leon. Yup, sad Leon is a content warning we don't like seeing our man upset.

You guys should follow my tiktok 👀 @kennedyslore
I edit Leon, obviously.


Resident Evil 4

   You let out a small sigh, twirling the knife around your fingers as you and Leon lean against the bed she was in, waiting for her to wake up. You rub the side of your head with a small frown, the pain from before not fully left yet.

"I thought I lost you." You hear, making you frown and turn to Leon confused. He didn't look up, his eyes trained on the gun in his hands.


He sighs, looking up to meet your gaze, his blue eyes soft as they stare at you, making your eyebrows jump slightly.

That's different. Usually, Leon's gaze was hard and angry. He has this thing, where he doesn't show any emotion. The only other types of looks in his eyes that you've seen other than serious is the amusement that shines through when he cracks a joke. That's it.

You've never seen them... soft.

"Back there? With the regenerator. I thought I had lost you." He repeats, clenching his jaw.

You frown lightly before realization clouding your mind.

+ + +

  "Ah! You scary bastard!" You yell, shooting at the monster that was trying to grab you with its long legs.

You grab your shotgun and shoot off its arms before shooting it in the face. It drops to the floor, and you laugh in victory before something slams into your back, throwing you across the room and straight into the wall, your head slamming on the wall and floor.

Pain erupts through your head and body, the air knocked from your lungs. You try to breathe, but it feels as if the air refuses to go through your lips, making you panic and try harder. You couldn't move, you body in a state of panic, forcing your limbs to freeze up.

"Y/n!" You hear before the pain in your head, and lack of air becomes too much, your eyes closing.

+ + +

   Leon's eyes widen at the sight of your motionless body. He turns to the last monster before letting out a yell as he shoots it down with all he has.

Once it falls, Leon rushes over to you, taking your face in his hands and bringing you to his lap, giving you a small shake.

"Hey? Hey!" He yells, shaking a little harder.

His frown hardens at his dirty hands touching your face before he brings them back to himself and wipes them on his shirt to give them some sort of clean-ness.

He brings his fingers up to your neck to check your pulse, and a panic overwhelms him as he doesn't feel your heartbeat against his fingertips.

"Woah! Hey! Y/n!" He yells, shaking you a little harder before slowly laying you down on you back. He places his hands in position on your chest, pressing down on you with his weight.

Leon Kennedy Imagines (Resident Evil)Where stories live. Discover now