- Soulmate (AU) -

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CONTENT WARNINGS: tooth rotting fluff.

In a world where you see the world in black and white until the moment you make eye contact with your soulmate.


   Color. Such an overrated thing in your opinion. Why was everyone so enchanted by color? You couldn't understand. You've never seen it, you're sure you'll live a fine life without seeing it. But the fact it has everyone so enthralled makes you wonder what was so special about it.

Almost everyone you knew has met their soulmate. They've seen color. They've seen the wondrous world in its true form. You were getting pretty sick of everyone telling you about it, honestly.

Almost 27, and you've never met your soulmate. You've come to terms with it. You're aware that you probably never will meet him or her. Kinda sad. But that's life.

You'll also never admit it, but you're jealous. Jealous of every single soul on the planet that was lucky enough to experience time with their other half. You've heard many stories of people that just never end up meeting their soulmate. Stories with happy endings, so you're not all that worried. Usually, two people who still live in a world of black and white will get together because they'd lost hope and fell in love with each other. That's a common outcome for most humans.

Then there's the lucky people that do meet their soulmates. That's more common than the latter. They're basically the happiest people alive because their souls had binded with another's in perfect harmony.

And lastly, there's the other outcome. The outcome shatters everyone's heart when they hear a story about it. You see, if someone's soulmate dies, their sight goes back to being black and white. That's the most heartbreaking thing that could happen to someone.

Imagine you're walking around in your house, thinking that the love of your life was safe and sound, and all of a sudden, you see the world in black and white. The fear that would tremble through those people as they wonder what could have happened. It's the hardest way to find out your husband or wife died. Because it can be sudden. One moment you're laughing at a TV show on Netflix, the next your vision changes from bright to colorless, and you find out your soulmate had died in a car accident.

It makes you think back to a time you were in a supermarket with your mother. You were probably about seven, our eight years old, but you remember it very clearly.

+ + +

   A pained scream erupts from the woman across the aisle, making you poke your head out from behind your mother to see.

A woman was crying on the floor, her legs having given out from below her. She looked in pain but you couldn't figure out what was hurting her. There was no one else around except for the few people that ran to help her out. It doesn't look like she'd been hit or anything.

You look up at your mother with a frown but you only grow more confused as you spot the look in her eyes. Pity. Pain. Sadness. There were tears. As if she knew exactly what has happened to the screaming lady. You look around to spot the same looks in everyone else's eyes, noticing how some of them seem to look at eachother with a somewhat grateful stare. Grateful that it wasn't them who was crying on the floor.

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