- Bodyguard Pt. 2 -

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CONTENT WARNINGS: slight angst, death, Gore, and more.


   The car pulls up in front of your parents' hotel. That's right. They own a whole hotel. And a rich one, too. You all live in the penthouse on the top two floors. You move to step out of the car, but Leon stops you quickly, shaking his head.

"Don't. I'll get out first. Make sure it's safe. You stay here." He speaks, and you nod, leaning back in your seat. You watch as Leon exits the car, looking around the area with his gun held out, making sure the area was safe enough for you to come out.

You get out when he nods at you, quickly making your way over to him as he leads you inside the hotel. He keeps his gun held high, using his flashlight as the sun was starting to set and the room grew darker.

"Come, we'll take the elevator. It's direct. No unnecessary fight along the way." You speak, tugging on his jacket, making him turn to you and nod. You lead him to the hidden elevator behind the front desk. You move to press the button when Leon quickly stops you, stepping forward with his gun before clicking the button, watching the elevator doors with high alert.

The two of you watch as the doors open slowly, almost in slow motion. The creak echoes through the empty area, and you can tell that Leon is feeling the same stressful tension you are. When the door finally opens fully to reveal nothing, you both let out the small breaths you didn't know you were holding.

"C'mon, let's not make this any longer than it needs to be." He speaks, leading you into the elevator, lowering his gun as the doors close behind you.

You don't need to press any buttons as the elevator went directly to the penthouse, slowly moving up along each floor. The silence in the enclosed box was comfortable but filled with a lot of thoughts. Your mind was moving at a million miles per second, and it was starting to feel like the walls were shrinking in on you.

Screams echoing through your mind, Lola's bloodied and pained face scarred into your mind. You couldn't pull it from your brain. Every time you close your eyes, even just a blink, your brain will flash the newly made memories through your mind like a movie at its fasted speed.

Leon spots you shuffle and shift, playing with your fingers as your eyebrows furrow in pain.

"Are you alright?" He asks, kicking himself lightly as he realizes he'd never thought to ask before now, then again. It was a stupid ass question anyway. You're obviously not okay. No one would be after what you went through.

But, he watches as you place on a mask, smiling up at him lightly and nodding.

"I'm alright. Just shaken up." You speak, and Leon would've believed it if he wouldn't have known what you went through. Deciding not to push it further in case he upsets you, he nods, moving to face the front as the elevator nears the floor.

He softly grabs your waist, pulling you behind him and your furrowed eyebrows loosen at the gesture, your trust in him growing. He lifts his gun with one hand, the other in front of you, to make sure you stay behind before the doors open.

You're met with a dark and empty hall that leads right to the open plan living room and kitchen. Leon moves his hand to grab out his torch before looking your way.

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