- I'm not her -

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CONTENT WARNINGS: A little bit of angst.


Resident Evil 4
(Just pretend they used a speedboat instead of a jetski at the end)

The wind howls through your hair as you clutch onto the side of the boat that Leon used to get the three of you out of that shithole and away from danger.

The night had fallen, and the stars were shining bright, the moon lighting the path Leon was following. Ashley was sleeping right at the back of the boat while you and Leon sat in the front seats.

It was quiet. Awkward quiet.. That's what happens when you have a near death experience with someone and you both end up kissing. Accident? You don't think so, well, at least it wasn't for you. You've liked Leon since Raccoon City. When you both got recruited to join a special force, you were split up to train at different camps. So it was definitely a surprise when you got partnered with him to rescue the presidents daughter.

This mission definitely sparked up the feelings you buried down because before you knew it, you were in love with the man.

Six years. Six years it had been since you last saw Leon, and the minute you saw him waiting for you in the cop car, you knew that whatever you felt in Raccoon City shot right back into you. The first thing you noticed when you saw him was the difference in his build. He definitely had more muscle than before and grew taller, too. His hair was longer, and his voice was a lot deeper, and Jesus christ was it hot.

Throughout the mission, you and Leon rebirthed that connection you had in Raccoon City and grew closer than ever. The near death experiences are terrified both of you when the other was in harms way. That seemed to have happened one too many times because you kissed each other after the fight with Krauser.

But after that, Leon kind of ignored you. Sure, he made sure you didn't die, but other than that, he kept his distance. You tried to send him a small smile every now and then, but he'd just turn his head.

This is probably why the silence on the boat was pretty awkward.

You look over at Leon wanting to ask him why he was being so distant, but you couldn't bring yourself to speak. You didn't want to annoy him into disliking you more.

You frown to yourself, turning your gaze away from Leon and towards your hands, fiddling with your fingers to distract the pain inside. Your eyes begin to tear up slightly as confusion floods your brain. You have no idea what you did that made him want to ignore him. He's the one who initiated the kiss. You just went along with it.

You don't mind if he has regrets or if he kissed you because it felt right in the moment. You just wished he'd talk to you about it instead of ignore you and make you blame yourself. You'd rather him be just a friend than nothing at all.

Your bottom lip pouts out to quiver, and you quickly wipe a stray tear that slipped out of your eye, turning to look off the side of the boat, not wanting Leon to see.

But, you mustn't have been fast enough because Leon speaks up.

"Are you okay?"

You gulp, not bothering to turn his way.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine." You speak, clenching your jaw. "Why do you ask?"

Leon Kennedy Imagines (Resident Evil)Where stories live. Discover now