🎞️장30 (DA): This Islands A Battlefield

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Daniel grins as he used his lightning fist to punch Seung but the mythic dodges and kneed him on his stomach.

She gave a quick turn and sent a back kick toward his chest sending him away to crash into the tall building beside them.

Seung walked towards him and grabbed his ankles, slamming him left to right before swinging him towards another building.

"Come on you build a bear middle child reject. I thought you were strong enough to kill me?"

The blue-haired girl cocked her eyebrows as Daniel groaned and glared at her.

Daniel showed his black wings, and Seung's eyes widened a bit.

"Black wings? You had white back then... Must be because you're full of sin."

Angered by her statement, Daniel's wings sharpened as he used his wings to slash Seung who blocked it using her hands no magic whatsoever.


"Come one Seung! Use that magic you are terrified to use!"

"How about my pure strength?"

Seung finally turned serious as she sent two strikes to Daniel's chest before punching his eye.

Daniel backed away as Seung cracked her knuckles.

Taking a sharp breath in, her eyes glowed.

"Donum Dei: Dragon Cut."

(Donum Dei means God's Gift)

Seung sent a strong jab toward Daniel's chest cracking his ribs as he was sent away crashing through ten buildings.


Seung wiped the blood off her hand using her old scarf as she walks away.

Ryujin dodged Warren's attacks as she sent a harsh kick toward his jaw before using her mace to smash his face towards the broken pillar behind him.

"Umbra: Rising Slash."

Warren's eyes widened as he rolled away seeing that Ryujin smashed the mace towards his head almost crushing his skull, the panther grinned as she swings her mace towards the left hitting warrens shoulder dislocating it.

The boy held his shoulder in agony as he looked up before dodging Ryujin, he almost lost balance but he summoned his hounds as they growled at Ryujin.

Ryujin balances herself on the loosed tracks as she dodged the bites from the hounds, one managed to bite her right hand, and the other three her mace away.

Warren took this as an advantage to kick Ryujin off the highest track from the abandoned roller coaster track.

Ryujin groaned and used her shield to slide on the tracks, she felt a bubbling feeling in her veins as she glared at Warren.


The panther shouts as a curse on her hip glowed and began to overcome her senses, the darkness swallowed her and she didn't have any time to think through as she transformed into a demon panther.

Seung who heard it gulped seeing that Ryujin was about to kill Warren.


The blue-haired woman flew towards Ryujin and landed in front of Warren.

"Calm down! Fight him!"

Ryujin who was inside the black goo weakly looked to her right to see a caged panther looking at her with a sly smirk.

"You still could not control me? That's sad."

The panther laughed as Ryujin looks away.

From the outside, the huge monstrous panther swings their claws towards Seung who flew up as Warren crashed into the pile of pebbles knocking him out.

"Ryujin! Fight him! Don't let him take control over you!"

Ryujin sat up as she glared at The Panther.

"I'll come back, and save you."

The short-haired girl smiled at the panther who scoffed and slept.

The huge monstrous panther evaporates as Ryujin fell, Seung catches her and smiled seeing Ryujin sleeping peacefully.

"Sleep well, kid.

Shuhua unsheathes her Wado Ichimonji as she spins and clashed swords with Nathan who was grinning like a maniac.

"Ignis, one sword style: Dance Of Sura."

Shuhua performed like a white swan as her moves were like feathers, dodging Nathan's attack as she used her katana as her defense.

"You dishonor us."

The Lion growled as she kicks Nathan away, but Nathan caught Shuhua off guard by throwing dust in her eyes.


Nathan grabbed his sword and was about to stab Shuhua when Chan kicked his sword away and punched him straight in his face making his nose bleed.

"You good there, Shuhua?"

Chan asked as Shuhua cleared the dust off her eyes before nodding unsheathing her Yubashiri.


Chan tossed a new sword toward Shuhua.

"It's the 10th strongest sword, Sandai Kitetsu. I forged it and mimicked the old one, but enhanced its sharpness."

The muscular man smiled as Shuhua placed the Wado Ichimonji between her teeth, she hold the Yubashiri in her right hand then the Sandai Kitetsu in her left.

"Let's go, Motherfucker."


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