🕰️✳️장58 (AA): Chou Tzuyu

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"Tzuyu? My dear child, how are you?"

Tzuyu slowly opens her eyes as sun rays hit her tan skin softly, she sits up and noticed she was laying on clean sand.

"Where am I?"

She whispered before standing up seeing that the ocean was slowly hugging the shore as it got pushed away.

Tzuyu hums and walks away from the shore to see where is she.

The tall girl saw a glowing Dove protecting her babies as they all snuggle to their mama happily.


She greets as the glowing Dove looked at her and nodded.


They stayed quiet as the glowing eagle then fluttered her wings as it points to where Tzuyu should go.

"Thank you..."

Tzuyu smiled before walking away as she saw a little girl trying to fix a gun.


She smiles but then gasped seeing the familiar face of...

Little her...

The small Tzuyu looks at her taller one as she smiles and gave her the gun.

"It's your fiwrst gwun right!?"

Tzuyu looks down at the gun as she smiles and nodded.

"We pwomised Rin we save her! We no leave her! So... How you?"


Tzuyu looks at her scars, from her shoulder to her hips... Two scars form an X.

"Fine. But... I miss them..."

Little Tzuyu smiled at her older version's answer.

"I know yew do! So wake uwp Chewie!

"Me? Wake up but--"

"Nouw Chewie... You're in a place where named aftermath..."

Little Tzuyu grabs taller version of her hands and smiles.

"Wake up!"

Tzuyu gasped as she sat up and looked around.

She found a lady standing with a cup of coffee in her hand and a surprised expression on her face.


Tzuyu whispered as the lady smiled.

"That's right My tzu..."

The lady teared up and placed her cup down and wrapped her arms around her daughter's trembling figure.

"It's me... Mama Sally..."

"Mama... I missed you..."

Tzuyu whispered as she cries and hugged the lady tightly.

"I killed someone... I'm sorry..."


"My child, I'm so proud of what you have become... Mama is so proud my baby, don't cry now please..."

The two pulled away from the hug and smiled at each other.

"Where are we, mama?"

Tzuyu asked as they stepped out of the tent.

"We're in Mechanic Island, an island full of upgraded living gadgets... Weapons and many more."

Sally smiles as Tzuyu cooed.

"This Island can help you enhance your magic Tzuyu, you can be what you want to be... I believe in you, my child."

Tzuyu nods and looked up to see other people having giant robots walking with their master Others had mechanical dogs and cats.

"Tzuyu... Do you know... Master Observation Haki and Master Weapons Haki?"


"It's a powerful aura and power where you can enhance your magic, but overall... It's a terrifying power that you hold because you are my child. I have Haki too."

Sally held her daughter's hand and leads her to a huge palace.

"I have some gifts for you..."

Tzuyu waits as she saw her mother holding a golden box and as she opens it, two pistols glowed.

"These were your great-grandmother's pistols, you can enhance them if you want but I'm giving them to you now

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"These were your great-grandmother's pistols, you can enhance them if you want but I'm giving them to you now..."

"And here..."

"The shotgun of your great grandfather

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"The shotgun of your great grandfather."

"Mama! These are all so cool!"

Tzuyu grinned as she looks at the firearms in awe.

"Now we train... Okay, my baby?"

"Heh! Roger that The Chaos God Crews First Mate and The First Friend of Lee Sun-Mi, Chou Sally."

Tzuyu winks as Sally smirked and crossed her arms.

"Then follow my lead, First Mate of The Lost Sea crew and The First Friend of Lee Rin II, Chou Tzuyu."

Tzuyu cocked her eyebrows.

"The II?"

Sally smiled.

"Rin isn't the only Rin in this world, but it's not my story to tell. Now come, let's train."


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