Through the Heather

354 9 2

Scotland, 1745
2nd Life
The Jacobites

Ben MacDonell ran through the forest, weaving between trees and jumping deftly over fallen logs. His feet slipped on dead leaves slick from the recent rain, and he grabbed onto an overhanging branch to keep from falling. Behind him, he could hear the sound of multiple pairs of feet pounding against the earth, running to catch up to him. A grin spread across his face, and he slowed down slightly. The feet grew closer, and he turned to see the small hoard of children mere meters away from him.

"Ben! You're too fast!" one of the children whined, one hand on her head to keep her bonnet from slipping off.

"Then run faster!" Ben called back, and the girl scowled angrily at him, trying as best as she could to speed up. "You'll never catch me!"

"Yes, we will!" another one of the children called.

"You can try, but you'll never succeed," Ben teased, though even as he said this he slowed down even more until he was just out of reach of the children.

One of the older boys reached out his hands and ran faster, pulling away from the rest of the group. Jumping forward, he pounced for Ben, who turned just in time to be tackled and thrown on his back to the ground. The group of children piled on top of him, giggling and squealing in delight.

"We got you!" another boy yelled, smiling widely.

"That's what you think!" Ben answered, wrapping his arms around the small group of children and heaving them off of him until he could stand up, his back damp and covered in leaves. They all immediately lunged for his legs, wrapping their small frames around them so he couldn't escape. Still, Ben slowly started trudging forward, dragging his feet along the ground as he was unable to lift them. Thankfully, they were near the edge of the forest, so he was able to plow his way out of the woods and into a small field that bordered the village.

Once there, he let himself fall to the ground where he was once more overtaken. He struggled with his attackers, pushing them off here and there, complaining about how strong and heavy they were.

"I do not think I can take you all!" he told them, huffing as they came at him with renewed vigor.

"Having some trouble, cousin?"

Ben tilted his head back to see his cousin, Douglas, standing above him, smirking. "Ah, hello, Douglas," he greeted. "I actually have the situation under control, thank you."

Douglas raised an eyebrow at him. "I am sure that you do," he said, before looking at the children. "Come on now, my strong lads and lasses. Leave poor Benny alone."

The children let out several pouty whines, but obediently rolled off of Ben and stood up.

"We'll be back for you!" one of them warned as they turned to return to the village, though her childish voice made it significantly non-threatening.

"I'll get you next time!" Ben replied, standing up and dusting himself off as best as he could.

"Should you not be working?" Douglas asked as the children disappeared down the hill.

Ben scowled. "Should you not be spending time with your bonnie new wife?" he retorted. "Your party is tomorrow, and I would think you still have much to do to prepare." His scowl turned to a smirk, and Douglas gave him a rather unimpressed look.

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