The Unsealed Kings Part 1

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Chapter Summary: What if instead of the Camel Ridge Trio being sealed inside the scroll, it was cloned versions of them?

Azure groaned and he slowly opened his eyes. His vision was blurry and he had to blink several times to clear the fog from his eyes. When his vision was clear, he noticed a familiar ceiling and he sat up. He looked around and noticed that he was in his room and in his bed.

He blinked in confusion.

"Look who's awake."

He turned to the side to see Peng leaning against a pillar near the window while Tusk sat on the floor, eating a basket filled with fruits. The lion demon sighed in relief when he saw his brothers, the last time he saw them was...

He narrowed his eyes and he clutches the sheets. He can still taste the hurt and betrayal in his mouth and he can feel his heart breaking. He can still remember, the memories still fresh in his mind. He remembers the battle with the pilgrims, his brothers getting sucked into the accursed scroll, remembers his fight with his sworn brother, Sun Wukong, the one he has ever loved and will ever love, his beloved sunstone.

Their fight was the most painful experience he ever felt.

He clamps his eyes shut to keep the tears at bay and takes a deep breath and shakily exhales. Peng and Tusk watch their brother trying to calm himself. Peng narrowed his eyes and turns away and looks outside the window.

He couldn't believe that traitorous Sun Wukong did this to them, to Azure no else!

He can feel his anger rise when he remembers how Azure showed him the ring he planned to give to Wukong after their battle with the celestial realm. He remembers the countless nights he stayed up just to make that ring, remembers the hardships his brother had to go through just to find the materials to make that ring.

Remembers the longing gazes he would give the golden furred monkey when he thought nobody was looking, remembers the times Azure asked him for advice on how to court the celestial monkey and he was more than glad to help him.

Now he wished he didn't.

Because it just led them being sealed inside a scroll to torture them with their own memories.

How wonderful.

Tusk watched them from the floor has he ate a melon. He was feeling mixed emotions from everything. He was angry at the betrayal but was also sadden that their brother would betray them and become another one of heaven's lap dogs.

His ears flap when he hears shuffling outside the door. He raised a curious brow and stood up then walked towards the door. He opens it slightly to see what was outside and his breath hitched. He was aware of Peng and Azure watching him and soon they were at his side.

"What is it, brother?"

Azure asked and Tusk just gave him a look before directing his gaze back outside the door. Azure's worry grew and he exchanged a look with Peng. The bird demon nodded and walked towards him and tapped the elephant demon on the arm.

"What's wrong?"

Tusk looked between them and sighed has he scratched the back of his head. "It's better for you to see this with your own eyes." He spoke in a whisper which confused the other two brothers of his tone of voice.

Tusk stepped away and Azure walked towards the door with Peng following behind him. When he reached the opening, his eyes widen in shock and he felt his voice got stuck in his throat while Peng growled and glared.

"You got to be fucking kidding me."

Azure couldn't take his eyes away from the person outside the door. There he was, The Great Sage Equal to Heaven, the Monkey King, Sun Wukong, his sunstone, his jewel, his precious sunflower was outside in front of his room pacing back and forth.

He had a troubled expression across his face has his brows creased tightly, he was hugging himself with one arm while biting his finger in worry and his tail swaying on the ground in anxiety has he kept pacing.

"Okay, Wukong. You can do this." He can hear his jewel's voice and his heart skipped a beat. "They should be awake by now, just go in there and explain. How hard can it be?" Then Wukong stopped pacing then groaned into his hands.

"What am I even going to say? 'Hey, funny story I was captured by heaven during the battle! They tried to kill me in different ways from beheading me to burning me at the stake, and when that didn't work, they put me inside a furnace to melt away my immortality and when that didn't work, they trapped me under a mountain for half a millennia. Then practically forced me to go on this journey and placed this crown on me which happens to be a torture device that gives me excruciating pain when I disobey but don't worry I'm fine! So how are you?'"

There was silence for a moment before Wukong slumped his shoulders in defeat has he groaned again and rubbed his face with his hands.

"That was terrible, I can't say 'that' to them! They'll just kill master or fight heaven again and they'll know that I didn't seal them in the scroll like they thought I did!"


Wukong just kept rambling and was pacing in a circle in a panic has his tail curled around him in anxiety, while the Camel Ridge Trio stared at him with various degrees of shock, rage, horror, disbelief, relief and worry. Azure just stared at him and he couldn't believe how stupid he was to think that Wukong would betray them.

His sworn brother, his king, his sunstone, his jewel, his sunflower had been tortured, hurt, sealed and forced against his will.

He can feel the protective rage swell in his chest at the thought on how much his jewel had to suffer from hands of heaven, at the hands of that monk. Wukong was right, he would kill that monk along with those other detestable weaklings then he would set his sights on taking down heaven for ever thinking they could just hurt his jewel and get away with it.

He glanced at his brothers and he can see Peng fuming and Tusk was looking at Wukong in worry has he raked his eyes on his being, as if looking for injuries.

After a few minutes of panicking, Wukong took several deep breaths to calm himself. "Okay that's enough of that, you can worry about that later, first you got three confused and potentially angry brothers that deserve an explanation." He sighed. 'I just hope they can forgive me, especially Azure.'

He turns around and was about to walk towards the door when he lets a squeak in surprise. Right in front of him, were his awake, very awake, sworn brothers were standing by the slightly opened door with faces in anger, shock and worry.

Silence enveloped them has they stared at each other. Wukong had a bright red blush and his fur and tail puffed up in embarrassment.

"How much did you guys heard that?"



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