|𝟭|~ 𝗪𝗲𝗹𝗰𝗼𝗺𝗲 𝘁𝗼 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗽𝗹𝗮𝘆𝗴𝗿𝗼𝘂𝗻𝗱 𝟭/𝟱 ∙

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The air was hot, as dust clouded the bridges edge. Red, was all anyone could see, as embers fall to the ground.

"Dear friend, across the river.."

People's screams echo throughout the night.

"My hands, are cold and bare."

A shot, another scream, another body left to crumble as the faces of the bridge all watch with interest.

"Dear friend, across the river.."

The mist begins to move forward, blocking anyone who wished to flee the murderous waters.

"I'll take, what you can spare.."

An explosion rings through the air as the ground shakes, a man being tossed to the ground harshly by the impact.

"I ask, of you a penny.."

Harsh, ragged breaths follow as a man in armor steps through the mist, a large, metal stick in hand as he walks sluggishly.

He sets off another explosion, killing the man instantly as blood drops onto his suit. He looks up without a care as more smoke envelops him, leaving him in the dark.

"My fortune, it will be.."

A flash of a wicked smile, and the man reloads his gun, his eyes red as he steps forward. The bullet casing flys past his head and onto the ground.

"I ask you without out envy.."

He turns and walks away.

"We raise, no mighty towers.."

Footsteps can be heard as two girls, sisters, carefully make their way through the distraction.

"Our homes, are built of stone.."

The oldest looks onward with a scared expression, her mind fuzzy as she takes in everything.

Bodies lay to rot on the sides, their faces permanently etched with horror as their necks bend in odd angles.

"So come, across the river.."

The youngest sings as she carefully holds onto her sisters hand, her blue hair dirty and matted as she covers her eyes with her hand to distract herself.

The oldest grips her little sisters hand and pulls her close, afraid to let go as they continue their journey across the bridge.

"And find.."

The youngest peeks through her hands as she feels her sister stop. Carefully she looks up, watching as she looks on with a horrified expression.

They both turn and face a destroyed area, two familiar adults lying dead.

The sounds of grunting and banging catches their attention. Carefully, they both look up and stare with wide eyes.

A man and women stood there, grasping onto the man in armor and punching him. Quickly, the man lays one last punch towards the person before tossing him towards the women.

She catches him and throws him to the ground before laying swift punches to his face, leaving him unconscious in the process.

Her companion watches with slumped shoulders as he jerks his head back with a snarl, only to stop once he notices the two girls watching.

He brings his arm up, a big gauntlet resting within his grasp before he knocks it against the women's shoulder softly, signaling her to stop.

She does so before looking up with a raised brow, quickly averting her eyes towards the two kids. Her (E/C) eyes widening as she looks to her friend before getting up.

Slowly, the two make their way towards the kids, watching sadly as the youngest scurries behind her sister.

The oldest looks up as they near, her pink hair swaying in the wind as she gestures between herself and her sister, asking if either of the two have seen their parents.

The man looks down with an apologetic look while the women shakes her head at the two, she turns to the side, gesturing with her head to the pile of rubble not to far away.

The sisters both look and gasp as the faces of their parents stare back at them.

The oldest shakes her head in disbelief, slowly crumbling towards the ground, she begins to sob uncontrollably as she curls in on herself, her sister hugging her close with a confused face.

Both adults look to eachother with unease before the man looks down at his gauntlets. Taking one final look at the girls, he abandons his weapons before picking up the oldest and hugging her close to his chest.

The women bends down and carefully carries the youngest. The little girl looking up at the women with a small frown.

The faces watch as together, the two begin to leave the area, both kids held tightly within their grasp.

They make it past the open before the oldest looks back, and watches, as the men in armor turn to stare at them. She couldn't see their faces but she knew, she knew damn well that they didn't care about what they had done.

The didn't care, that they taken her parents from her.

She looks up at the city laying just behind the fog, it's walls high and mighty as it seems to mock the young girl.

She curls her hand into a fist as she clutches tighter onto the man that saved her, before taking a glance to the women and watching her younger sister fall limp in her hold.

She was going to bring that entire city, down to their knees.


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