|𝟱|~ 𝗪𝗲𝗹𝗰𝗼𝗺𝗲 𝘁𝗼 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗽𝗹𝗮𝘆𝗴𝗿𝗼𝘂𝗻𝗱 𝟱/𝟱 ∙

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(Y/N) sighs heavily as she makes her way to 'The Last Drop'. She left Vander behind to continue chatting away with Benzo, with whatever guys talk about.

She moves past the taverns doors, only a handful of patrons left as she nods in greeting before slowly making her way towards her room.


What the hell did he want? She hadn't seen the young inventor since she herself was a teen. Since he moved to Piltover to start a new and fresh life, leaving her behind to pursue his dreams.

Why, after all this time, did he suddenly feel the need to inform an enforcer of all things, that he misses her? That he sends his best? Fuck that.

(Y/N) had moved on with her life, so it's high time that crippled asshole do the same.

She sighs once more as she moves past Powder and Vi's room. Carefully peeking inside, she frowns as she sees their bed empty, the blue haired sisters inventions scattered along her mattress.

Reeling back, (Y/N) looks down and thinks for a minute, her brain turning for any ideas of where the two could be.

Her lips quirk up before her head does the same. Pulling her head back, she stares at the ceiling.

The roof.


Pushing the door open, (Y/N) welcomes the midnight air, goosebumps prickling her skin as the wind pushes against her.

The women smiles as she eyes the back of her kids head. Slowly, she creeps up behind the two before jumping up and wrapping each of her arms around their necks.

"Gotcha!" She yells, both Vi and Powder yelling as they stumble a bit. She bends down slightly, so the pink haired teen had to follow along.

"Why are you up here?" (Y/N) asks gently, releasing her hold before standing up straight, allowing Vi to straighten up and for Powder to sit back down.

"Just..admiring the view.." the eldest teen mumbles with a sigh, propping her hands on her hips. (Y/N) nods gently before looking up and taking in Piltover's beauty.

Several miles away she could she the academy, it's walls tall and proud as airships glide past. She fiddles with the tips of her fingers as she thinks of a skinny, tall boy with a limp, someone she held so close to her heart.

"You know.." she starts, kicking her lips before continuing. "I have..a friend..in the academy." She mumbles, both girls head shooting towards her in shock.

"Seriously?!" Vi breaths out with a laugh, looking up at her friend with a wide smile. "Why don't we go and talk to them? M-maybe they could help us with food-!"


The answer was straight and firm, no room for argument. Vi stops short of her rant as she eyes the women with a frown. "Why not?! They've got plenty! We can just-!"

"Vi.." (Y/N) sighs, "Me and Viktor don't..exactly talk..anymore.." she confesses, looking down in shame. Of course she still considers him a friend, after all they had been through. But she can't bring herself to reach out to him, after all, he abandoned her.

Vi sighs, "Alright.." she looks down to her sister before smiling gently, causing Powder to look up with a tiny smile. She keeps the name permanently in her mind. Viktor. A name she likely won't forget.

She's snapped out of her thoughts when her guardian wraps an arm around her once again, (Y/N) looks up, the green lights of the undercity mixing with the golden hue of Piltover.

"One day, this whole city's gonna respect us, just you wait.."


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