Chapter 3

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It has been over a day since Adam's surgery, and he is only beginning to wake up now. It takes his eyes a few minutes to adjust to the setting. He is lying in a hospital bed, attached to all sorts of monitors and IVs. His clothes have been switched for a hospital gown, and he can feel the pressure of a large bandage wrapped around his shoulder, covering his upper chest where he was shot. He also has a cast on his arm.

Adam's breaths become uneasy as he tries to sit up, afraid of where he is. That's when a nurse comes sprinting in. "He's awake!" she calls back to her fellow colleagues who must be outside his ward.

Adam continues to panic, but when the nurse composes herself, so does he.

"Hi Adam," she says in a calming tone of voice. "My name's Evelyn. You've just woken up from surgery. I promise you're in a safe environment here. There are guards surrounding the hospital as we speak so nobody can lay a finger on you."

Adam looks at the nurse in disbelief. He then pulls his gown down off his shoulder, so he can get a better look at how they treated his wound. To his medical knowledge, they have done a very good job. It barely hurts anymore.

"Uh, thanks," he then croaks, his voice still only coming back to him.

Evelyn smiles warmly, making sure he's feeling as safe as possible. "Sure. Now let me take your blood pressure."

There is silence between Adam and the nurse for a long time, due to Adam trying to process everything he can. His stomach continues to churn in fear as if he never left that bathroom. He wants it to leave him more than anything.

As Evelyn records Adam's blood, there is a knock on the door. Evelyn gets up to answer it.

"Wait," Adam says a little frantically. "Can you let me know who it is before you let them in?"

The nurse nods in understanding. "Of course, I will." She opens the door to see a young girl, wearing detective attire. Her badge indicates that she is a trainee. "Hello. My name is Brielle Mason," she says politely. "I'm here to talk to Adam Faulkner Stanheight. This isn't an interrogation or anything. It's just to help him."

The nurse smiles, a little unsure if Adam will like this or not. "One moment please, Brielle," she says, awkwardly shutting the door on her.

"It's a trainee detective," Evelyn tells Adam. "She said she's here to help. This isn't intense questioning or anything. She looks to be around your age and seems quite friendly too. Would you like to talk to her?"

Adam rolls his eyes. "What-ever. She can come in." The sooner this is over for him, the better.

Evelyn nods in uncertainty and then welcomes the girl in. She then leaves so she doesn't hear anything personal.

Adam is staring at the girl eyes wide as she approaches him. He can't get over how pretty she is. Her auburn hair and pale skin complement each other perfectly. She also wears a pair of glasses to add to her look, or maybe she just needs them. Her eyes are a vibrant green. Adam cannot keep his eyes off them.

"Uh...hi Adam. I'm Brielle," she introduces. She then swallows hard, after studying Adam's features, despite him being under the weather. His brunette hair is a mess, but it suits him. His jaw is tensely clenched but there is still tenderness and vulnerability in his almond eyes.

Brielle clears her throat to break the unwanted tension. "Can I sit?" she points to the seat beside his bed. Adam hums in response and the girl shyly takes a seat. He rolls to his side to face her and she catches a glimpse of his wound. The bandages are all blooded up, even though they're definitely brand new. He must've gotten it really bad. A pit forms in her stomach thinking about what he may have endured.

Still Alive - Adam StanheightWhere stories live. Discover now