Will they accept me? (Reevdam)

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Non-Binary Reeve Au

Reeve's Pov

OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD. I'M NON-BINARY NO WONDER I'M NOT COMFORTABLE WITH HE/HIM OR SHE/HER PRONOUNS. What if the others don't accept me? What if they hate me? Maybe I'll tell Adam.. He is gay, and maybe he'll accept me. It's worth a shot. I pick up my phone and start messaging Adam.


Hey Adam?

Yeah Reeve?

Can we meet up at the park?


What time?

5 minutes.

That bad huh?


Alright I'll be there in 3 minutes

Alright thank you

No problem

End of text

Adam's Pov

I wonder what that was about. I walk down the stairs heading to the front door grabbing my shoes off the ground and putting them on. "I'm meeting up with Reeve at the park call me if you need me mom!" "Alright sweetie stay safe!" I walk out the door and start walking to the park seeing Reeve who's already there. "Hey Reeve, what's up?" I see him take in a slow shaky breath. "I, er um. Okay I'm Non-Binary. And I was hoping you could use they/them pronouns with me. I-I'm still keeping my name I just-just don't want to identify as a male nor female and just chill as a they/them." I'm shocked from what I just heard but support him, them and I want to be with them the whole time. I walk closer to Reeve as he flinches but I pull them into a hug. I'm gonna ask them why they flinched though later. "Have you told the others yet?" Reeve shakes their head. "I wanted to tell you first because I'm worried they might not support me." I scoff. "Reeve, I'm a gay dude who uses he/they pronouns, Kai is a demiboy and bisexual, Mira is pansexual and trans, Vanessa is a lesbian, and Skeet well he's just Skeet, the supportive straight ally who is probably a secret bisexual but we haven't confirmed it yet." They smile at me. "Really? All you said was true?" I nod my head. "Not so sure about Skeet though, but we'll figure it out one day." Reeve hugs me tighter as I hug them back more too. "Adam can I kiss you?" I was shocked by the question but nodded my head as Reeve is my crush for quiet some time now. They hesitated but I closed the gap between us. The kiss was smooth, passionate, short but amazing. We both pull away, blushing really hard. "Will you be my boyfriend Adam?" I smile. "Of course I will Reeve." We kiss one more time as we start walking to my house together holding each other's hand.

a/n - yall my phone hates me and won't allow me to have an image for the chapter so until I fix it I'm just gonna put it after the title, I know it sucks. So what did you guys think about Non-Binary Reeve? I plan on making a part 2 of this oneshot. Thanks for reading

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