Hey Pretty Stranger~ (Kaidam)

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3rd Person Pov

A red head was having a day walking home chilling, until he sees this boy that catches his eye. The red head walks up to him. "Hey pretty stranger~ I think you look cute. Can I get your number? I wanna know you." The black hair Latino looks at him. "Excuse me?" The red head smiles jokingly. "Sorry, my names Kai." Kai puts his hand out for the Latino to shake. "My names Adam, you're cute too." Kai blushes forgetting he sang that. "Give me your phone please." Kai hands his phone to Adam who types something in it. "Here." Adam's number is now in Kai's phone with a heart next to it? "See you later pretty stranger." Adam then walks away as Kai slumps down on his knees astonished. "I didn't think he would actually give me his number." Kai skipped home happily as he got a message from Adam. Kai reads the text asking if he wants to hang out at the park. Kai obviously agrees and gets ready to meet a stranger. Adam who is already there on a bench is met by Kai scaring him. "AH!" He turns around to see Kai giggling. "Sorry." Kai sits down on the bench next to him. Adam accidentally puts his hand on Kai's. "Is this like?" "Love at first sight?" "Yeah." They say in unison. Their lips are brought together as they kiss passionately. Parting. "This is so cliche." Kai let's out a chuckle. "It is, but let's learn more about each other-" "By soending time together?" "Exactly!" They both giggle. "Wanna go out tomorrow?" "Yeah that'd be nice." Kai and Adam discuss on where they should go for their date tomorrow to become lovers so it isn't straight up completely love at first sight. Kai and Adam just talk about what goes on in their daily lives.

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