Growth spurts

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The fanart above is what I see them as just so you guys can understand this one more. I will also be making a chapter about the goat hybrids (Ranboo's book) so you can understand my AU, again this is my own so nothing is canon (I dont think so at least) so please ask for permission to use it and give credit. Ty!

Tubbo woke up with a pounding headache, sore throat, and sick stomach. He groaned, not wanting to get up but knew he had to. He slowly got up, his body aching. He stretched whilst yawning as he walked to his closet, grabbing his normal clothes and jacket, changing in the restroom. He left his room to get Michael, but found a note from Ranboo. 'Michael is with phil, could you clean the house?' it read. I sighed. I took the note and began doing the dishes, the  living room, the bedrooms, and bathrooms. When I was finished I was very dizzy but Ranboo was getting home soon so I needed to cook. I got out some spaghetti noodles and began the water. Once the pasta was done I could hear Ranboo getting his keys. He opened the door and smiled at me, ''Hey darling'' He said softly. I smiled. ''He-y Ranboo'' I said, coughing in between my words. ''Are you ok?'' He asked hurriedly. ''I'm fine boo'' I smiled weakly. He sighed softly and walked up to me, placing his hand on my head, very quickly taking it off, ''what?'' I asked. ''Your burning up!'' He said worriedly. i sighed. ''im fine boo, its probably a cold'' I answered softly. ''No your going to rest'' he said sternly. ''But I havent finished cleani-'' He swooped me off my feet and began carrying me to our bedroom .''Hey!'' i kicked around. He opened the door and sat me on the bed, getting a blanket and covering me with it. i grumble angerly. ''Just rest.'' He sat on the bed next to me. ''I can't I have stuff to do!'' I growled. "No, your resting.'' Ranboo crawled into bed and wrapped his arms around me, pulling me closer to him. I sighed softly. "What about Michael?'' I sat up quickly. ''Calm down Tubbo I told phil that you were sick so he is keeping him for now.'' He pulled me back down. ''Now stop worrying about stuff.'' He said.  I sighed softly, just now realizing how much pain I was in.  I groan, curling in a ball. My ears, horns, and tail were also hurting for a reason I dont know. AS a goat hybrid, we bah in pain, and Ranboo knows this as he has many books on them, and I have books on endermen hybrids aswell. I let out a shaky bah. ''Are you ok?'' Ranboo asked softly as he played with my hair. I nodded, I was ln the verge of tears and if ranboo heard me talk he would be able to tell that and I dont want him to worry about me, my hair being long enough to cover my eyes is so much more useful than I thought. Ram hybrids also kick in pain, or just jerk, kind of like when humans are sleeping, and you feel like your falling, its very weird. I kick the bed frame with my hoof, immediately bringing my hoof back up. ''Bee...How bad is the pain?..'' He asks softly. I hold up a ten with my fingers. He sighs softly and pulls up my hair, my watery eyes meet his, his full of sadness, I quickly look away. 'Sorry!'' I said hurriedly. ''Bee..its ok..'' He caressed my cheek before pulling my face his way, I keep my eyes closed. ''Bee..please open your eyes.'' He says softly. I always hated when he moved my hair, not because he doesnt ask for permission, but because I can't believe he is ok with looking at me, I mean..I look like a living monster. I opened my eyes slowly. Ranboo smiled softly and kisses my forehead. I still dont look him in the eyes, that is till I kick the bed again. He sighs. ''What hurts?..'' he says softly. ''Ev-eryth-ing but m-y ta-il, horn-s, a-nd ea-rs hurt w-ors-t..'' I said, my voice shaking. Ranboo begans to message my ears softly. I smile as I stuff my head in his chest. My ears twitch every now and then, my tail not as much but it does too. When ram hybrids are relaxed or happy they're tails and ears twitch. Ranboo chuckles, ''Does it feel good?'' He says as he continues. I nod. Ranboo stops and ruffles my hair. ''Do you want me to massage your tail?'' He asked. 'No I think I'm good, but how did you know that'd help?'' I asked genuinely confused. ''Tubbo- Your 19, rams have a growth spurt every 4 years, till 24 that is.'' He chuckled. I muttered an 'oh' and was in serious thought. I didn't know that. I huff. ''Well that is stupid.'' I grumble. ''I know'' Ranboo agreed. I yawned softly, looking at the clock, it's already 8:34? ''Can we go to bed?'' I asked softly. Ranboo nodded and kissed my forehead again before we both fell into a deep slumber.

Sorry its short! Lost motivation for it, like always. Anyway I hope you have a good day/afternoon/night wherever you are and have fun doing whatever your doing this week/weekend. And happy Easter! -Solar

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