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Tubbo kept running through the brush covered in piles of snow, the snow-covered pine trees towered over him, he tripped and stumbled, animals scurried past him. He could feel himself slowly losing his sense of touch, his legs and any part revealed to the frosty air numb and blueish red. He'd been running for hours, he didn't know where, but only had one task. Getting home He had woken in a weird shack in the middle of nowhere, he had no idea how fair he was from home, or how long he'd been gone. Suddenly he tripped, faceplanting in the snow. He looked up at a mansion, his mansion...  It looked different, however. He knew it. it was very far away; he could barely see it. I ran and ran. If it's the last thing I do I am making sure Toomy, Ranboo, and Michael are fucking ok. If I at least did that, I'd die happy. I ran till I couldn't breathe, the icy, hurtful air stinging my lungs, I barely got air down my lung, gasping for air I walked weakly to the house. Barely picking up my feet high enough to walk. I collapsed a few meters outside the house. I could see someone look out the window before running out the door with a lantern and jacket, gasping as they see me, they yell a name I couldn't hear for the ringing in my ear, I pass out.

--Ranboos POV--

I was reading around the fire as Michael, my now 9-year-old son was playing with things. I heard something running in the snow, thinking it was probably a fox or wolve I ignored it, till it went silent after a thud. I get up and move the curtains from the window, looking out in the dark, I see a lump in the snow, but it's to big to be an animal, it looks like a small human, I quickly rush to get my coat and lantern, Michael looks at me confused before shrugging it off and continued playing. O ran out the door, lantern in hand, I gasped as I came closer to the person in the snow, but its..Tubbo?.. I shout his name, he looks at me weakly before passing out. I run over and quickly pick him up out of the snow, his body light as a feather, his fingers, nose, ears, some parts of his arms, and some parts of his legs were already a blueish red color, he must have been out for more than 2 hours. He had cuts and bruises all over him, a few scrapes on his amrs, legs, and face. I run back into the house, turning down to my room, Michael quickly following. I lay him down in the bed, coving him with a few blankets, not wanting to warm him up to fast and hurt him. ''Dad what's going on?'' I hear a small voice behind me say worriedly I turn to see him peeking behind the door, ''Nothing Michael, let's let them rest?'' I smile softly, ushering them out of the room, closing the door behind me. Michael walks back to the living room. ''Will they be ok?'' He asks as he then follows me to the kitchen. ''They will be ok buddy'' I smile softly as I get a cup of water for them later. ''You should go to bed Michael, you have school with Puffy tomorrow.'' I said sternly. He nods. ''Goodnight dad, love you'' He yawned, walking away. ''Goodnight, Michael'' I say quietly. I hear him close his bedroom door and get into bed. 'I need to call Tommy...' I think as I shakely pick up my communicator. 

Ranboo_Beloved: Tommy, this is urgent

TommyInnit: What is it big man?

Ranboo: I think I found Tubbo...

TommyInnit:I told you not to make sick jokes about this Ranboo.

Ranboo: Im not joking Tommy..Please believe me!

TommyInnit: Fine..Dead or alive?

Ranboo: I'm not sure..He was almost dead when I found him, but I think he'll be ok. Please come over

TommyInnit: Fine but if he isn't there Im kicking your ribs in.

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