Too far, too long, yet already gone...

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Based on Already Gone by Sleeping At Last because it so happened to play on my playlist hehhe, angsty. I need ideas for fluff ok? I don't like fluff, I am an angsty person, and I just like the pain of others?? That's kinda rude sorry, I'll shut up, and enjoy somehow you animals, I know ya'all aren't human, don't deny it, well, of course, and two people (you know who you are, not my brother of course) are human but not sure about the rest of ya, buh bye. (Also a mix of Pay Phone bu Maroon 5)- Gogysaurus.

Tubbo sighed as he roamed the to-large for his own good hallways' in the mansion, all the things he and his lover wanted to do with the place yet never finished...

Remember all the things we wanted

Memories flooded Tubbo's brain as he walked around the cold and empty hallways, all the memories that were crushed, stinging his heart like a needle injecting cyanide. 

Now all our memories, they're haunted 

Tubbo's world was destroyed, nothing he could do would make a change, no matter how hard he tried, and he felt so guilty...

We were always meant to say goodbye

Tubbo wished it was him instead if the roles were switched if he could replace his beloved's spot in this story.

It never would have worked out right

Tubbo's footsteps echoed throughout the endless hallways, the sound making Tubbo shiver, walking around wondrously as if he'd never been there. 

We were never meant for do or die

He never wanted this, but no one did, he knows it's his fault, he should have been there to protect his lover, yet somehow, he knew this would happen at one point, yet always dreaded how they may come. 

I didn't want us to burn out

He now noticed the tears that were rolling down his face, the pain was unbearable, someone just had to stab him in the back, didn't they?

I didn't come here to hurt you, now I can't stop

If only, he could tell his lover he loved him one last time, 

I want you to know

He let out a shaky breath, feeling his shaky hands turn into fists,

If happy-ever-afters did exist, I'd still be holdin' you here like this...

This isn't a fairytale of any kind, reality never said it wouldn't bite but oh fuck he didn't know it would hurt this bad.

All those fairytales are full of shit, one more fuckin' love song I'll be sick, oh

He sighed and he came up to a random dresser thing in the hallway, not sure what it'd been called. He noticed a picture of them altogether, Michael, Ranboo, Him, and Tommy... All so.. Happy. He felt more tears prick his eyes as he picked the picture up, it shaking just as much as his hands. He sniffled, biting his bottom lip to stop the tears ready to be shed. His fingers glazed the glass cover of the picture to hold it in place for keeping, a few tears dripped onto the class, smudging it slightly. He couldn't take this anymore, crumbling to the floor, Michael, and Ranboo were gone, (My AU) and he had no one.. Almost... He held the picture tightly as the tears spilled from his eyes, sitting against the wall, his choked-out sobs could be heard throughout the large building. He carefully sits the picture down, not wanting to break the precious object, but still continued to sob, thinking about everything he lost. His heart broke and scattered to the floor like tiny shards of class un seeable, He tried to do so much, but it only left him more alone, he's lost everything, but suddenly, someone pulled him into his arms, not knowing who it is he was quite startled but nonetheless calmed in the presence of the person although he had no idea who they were, suddenly a soft voice spoke, ''I've got you, brother,'' (Kodaline- Brother song reference hehe)Tubbo smiled softly, Tommy... He hugged back as he continued to cry, Tommy holding onto him tightly, who Tubbo knew was also crying as he could hear his unsteady breathing and sniffles if only Ranboo knew how much Tommy actually loved him, (Allium Duo:] platonic bitches) These two may not be on the best terms, but Tommy still loved him, even if he did take his best friend, now he left him broken but didn't want to. But they'd get through this together, they've lost each other, and although they got each other back, they can live without both of their sunlight... Right?...

That's a wrap for this chapter, sorry it's short, but it's song-based, do you like the mix? It's original so I hope I cut it at the best part, tell me if you like it! sorry no no fluff for you, hehe. -Gogysaurus

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