Never again

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Ranboo was woken on the hot summer night by his phone vibrating. He groaned, turning to his nightstand, and grabbing his phone. He turned it on, wincing at the blinding light, he clicked his notifications, seeing Tubbo texted him almost a whole paragraph... It must not be good. He clicked on it. It read, 

Tubbo: Ranboo, could you please come over; through the window? I had a nightmare and I'm scared; it really shook me up, and I don't feel safe alone. I need you, please. This nightmare was really bad; it was terrible. Please come over quickly.

Ranboo: Sure, I'll be over soon.

I sighed, got up, and got dressed. I got my shoes and jacket, my keys in case I get locked out and began walking to Tubbo's house. Luckily, I had been there before, so I knew where it was, It was a few blocks but it was ok. I had this weird bad jut feeling while walking. I ignored it, it's probably because I'm worried for him, and it is like midnight so I'm probably just tired. I see his house coming up in the distance, I smile softly, the light colors were bright in the night darkness. I go over to the side of his bedroom and look up at his window... It's already open, that's weird, why would it already be open? It's past 8, and that's when he shuts it. I shrug and begin climbing the garden bed, then grab the window latch, pulling myself up. I slide in to find his bed a mess, covers everywhere and some on the floor, but not in his room, I hear sobbing, I go to his bathroom; where the sounds were coming from, and peeked my head in. I see him sitting against the wall crying, I come in and shut the door softly. ''Oh, Tubbo..'' I mutter hugging him. ''Are you ok?'' I ask rubbing his back. He nods and continues to cry. ''What was it about?..'' I ask softly. ''You guys were all gone..A-and-'' He croaked but stopped, he sounded... Different. It's probably from him crying so much. ''You don't have to tell me right now, how about we try to get some rest?..'' I ruffle his hair. He nods and shakily stands up, I put my hand on his shoulder to support him, and we make our way to his bed, I get in and hold him in my arms, drifting to sleep.


I wake up to rustling, I yawn, rubbing my templates, and I look up to see him getting stuff. I look at him, recalling what happened last night. Then it hits me. I get up quickly, trembling slightly. ''I-i got to go, Tubbo,'' I say, my voice shaking as much as my hands. ''Why, Bossman?'' He turns around smiling at me. ''M-my mom wants me'' I gulp. ''You sure?'' His face drops, but not in sadness, he looks angry. I nod. I walk out backward watching him, I see something shiny behind his back, He waves smiling, and I run out of his room, down the stairs, and out of the house, running faster than I ever have. Tears well up in my eyes. What's even happening... I run and run till I reach Tommy's house, looking behind me as I knock on his door harshly, he answers with an annoyed face but it changes to concern as I fall inside, crawling away from the door as tears fall down my face. ''What's going on?'' He asks hurriedly. ''L-lock the door-'' I get out as I get up. ''Why? What's going on?'' He says, yet still locks the door and the windows. ''To-by-'' I croak. ''What? He is at summer school?'' ''Exactly-'' I wipe my tears. He makes me sit down on his sofa, giving me a glass of water. ''What's going on?'' he says sternly. ''L-last night around midnight I got a text from t-tubbo that he had a nightmare and wanted me to come over- since I was half asleep I forgot he was at school- I left and went to his house- he sounded and acted different- I woke up and realized t-that couldn't be tubbo- he was moving things around, so I told him I had to go, but at the last second I saw something shiny in his hands-'' I say quickly. Tommy is terrified. He calls Tubbo and his parents to explain what happened. They moved houses right after, and Tubbo got taken out of summer school.

I don't know who that was, or what they wanted to do, but I'm never ever going back again.

I should have known it wasn't him by the text, it wasn't his number...And Tubbo could never spell that, it was the most grammar literal correct text I've seen like it was in a history book... Oh, how foolish I was...

Yes, I know this one is a bit dark and not beeduo but I love horror so I had to be sorry guys, I can make a part two if you give some ideas for it, or maybe just make up your own backstory, I'm currently working on 3-4 more chapters for this, they will probably be out today if not early tomorrow (my time), I hope you enjoyed! -Alex

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