HCH (Hemiplegic Cluster Headaches)

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Before this starts HCH is a real disorder and one that Tubbo does actaully have so please respect it! Also this is Highschool Au (NOT IRL) So they do not have C! characteristics. TW: Addiction, mention of pills, addiction talk, bad headaches.

Tubbo yawned, sitting up, rubbing his templates. Once coming to his senses, he turned off that stupid Iphone alarm, getting up and walking to his closet. He grabbed a simple white-T and some black jeans, he also grabbed his dino hoodie, he has had it sense he was 8 and it still surprisingly fits him and is still oversized. He got dressed, brushed his teeth, and brushed- well tried to tame his hair, yet gave up after a few minutes. He grabbed his bag and phone, walking down the stairs. ''Hi honey!'' his mom said sweetly as she ate breakfast, accompanied by Lani and Teagon. ''Hi mom'' He replied whilst yawning. ''Hey Tubso'' Teagon and Lani matched eachother's attitude. He glaredat his younger sisters. ''Hi my favorite rats-asses.'' He snickered. ''Hey atleast we're the favorites'' Lani shrugged and Teagon nodded. Tubbo chuckled and sat beside them, pulling out his phone. He scrolled through twitter liking some photos of his friends, well..more so Ranboo's..But hey he did like a few of tommy's! He felt a pair- well two pairs of eyes on him, then Teagon laughed. He turned around to see Lani and Teagon watching him on Twitter. ''Hey!'' He scowled. ''OmG RaNboO!'' they snickered mockingly. Tubbo almost threw his phone, but decided against it in the last second. He got up and shoved them aside, grabbing his school bag, ''We're still the favorites?'' Teagon held a laugh in. Tubbo just rolled his eyes and left, slamming the door. He sighed softly as he chuckled to himself. He began walking to school still on his phone. He put in his earphones, going to Spotify music and getting his school playlist to play. He hummed to the song as he walked along the sidewalk, looking at all the greenery. Whilst walking he heard his name being called behind him, it was very faint. He turned around to see the one and only Tommy, and ranboo. He took one earphone out and waited for them to get closer. ''What?'' He asked them, both of them being out of breath. ''Bro you just ignored us! How do you walk so fucking fast? you were going like mock 80!'' Tommy panted. Tubbo rolled his eyes at his friends exaggeration. ''You were really fast-'' Ranboo added. ''Or your just slow.'' I said smugly, and began walking again. ''Your literally in track Tubbo.'' ranboo face planted ''Shut up giraffe.'' I said playfully punching his shoulder. ''Fine then, short squirrel.'' I gasped, placing a hand on my heart, acting offended. I pretended to dramatically fall, but also forgot to soften my landing, causing me to hit my head on the cement, pretty harshly. I groaned, sitting there for a while. Tommy laughing and Ranboo asking if Im ok. I sit up and rub the back of my head, I get up slowly, quite dizzy. ''You ok?' Ranboo asks. ''Yeah I'm fine'' I continue to rub my head. Tpmmy (finally) stops laughing and we continue our walk to school. 


The rest of the school day I have been very dizzy, it's only 2nd period though. Math (or maths) class. I groan and lay my head on the desk. I dont want to get a flipping headache today. that reminds me I forgot to take my pills today. I put my hands under my head like a pillow, the pain starting to get worse. The pounding pain making me scratch at my desk, suddenly the teacher calls my name, I lift my head up. ''Yes?'' I groan. ''Are you alright Toby?'' The teacher asks sounding just a bit concerned. ''Fine.'' I lay my head back on my desk.  I'm greeted by the bell, I stand up and grab my bag, pushing in my chair tiredly. The headache worse than most of them. I get out the door first, stopping by the bathroom to get my extra pills in my bag. I sit my bag on the counter and began digging through my stuff, but can't find them. I began to panic slightly. I start taking stuff out but its not there. I make sure its not in there, its not. I began dumping my stuff on the floor, desperately looking for it. I also look in my other pockets, ''Come on..come on..'' I mutter. Finally I find them, but also find a mess of my belongings. I sigh and sit against the tile wall, opening the bottle and taking two pills out, swallowing them. Suddenly a familiar voice speaks..to familiar..Its ranboo. ''Tubbo?..'' I look up and see Ranboo and Tommy looking at me concerned. ''U-uh yes?'' I stand up quickly picking my back up and putting the pills back as I begin to put everything back. ''You ok bossman?..'' Tommy says this time, I dont know if im crazy but I have never seen him sound or look so concerned before. ''Y-yep!'' I say hurriedly. Picking up my bag and standing up. They nod and look at me weird. The rest of the day Tommy, Ranboo, Wilbur, Niki, Jack, Dream, Sapnap, George, and Karl have been watching me like hawks for the rest of the day..Whats their problem. Once I get home I go to my room and throw my bag on the floor, flopping onto my bed. I slowly drift to sleep.

--Ranboo's POV--

Me and tommy are looking for Tubbo as he seemed to not be feeling the best in class, and disappeared after. We look around west wing and can't seem to find him although thats where his class is after math (or maths) So we decided to look around north wing, we here what sounds like lots of movement in the bathroom, I peek my head in to find tubbo on the ground looking for something in a mess of stuff from his bag on the floor, he seems distraught. I pull tommy in but he doesn't seem to notice us. he begans to mutter something inaudible. He then pulls out a pill bottle and sighs in relief, sitting against the wall and taking two of the pills. I look at tommy who then looks at me with a worried look. ''Tubbo?..'' I say softly. He looks up at us, very shocked. ''U-uh yes?'' He stutters. He begans to try and hide the pills by stuffing them in his bag and putting the rest in it aswell. ''You ok bossman?..'' Tommy asks this time, lots of concern filling his voice. tubbo looks at him for a while before answering, ''Y-yep!'' He gets up and left with his bag, we told our friends just to watch him for the day till we tell his parents when school is over.


Me and tommy were talking while walking home after school. ''What if it's not an addiction? What if were just being dramatic.'' I say softly. ''Ranboo no one would get that concerned afternot being able to find a pill, no matter how much pain they are in!'' Tommy says loudly ''Right..I just hope he will be ok..''

And thats a wrap for this one, hope it's good, not to long, not to short. Also addiction is a serious thing so please get help if needed. Hope you enjoyed! Also do you want a part 2 or not? Might make it anyway but want ya'alls opinion

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