Hard day at work.

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guess what- Because I have been working on this and other books so much- I tore a ligament in my spine- yes- my spine- and it hurts like hell and I can't sleep well so I'm running on coffee-

Tubbo sat in his office at Las'Navades doing paperwork, he had a whole stack piled on his desk and he was running on his 3rd cup of coffee (same bro) his eyes were heavy and so was his hand, his handwriting got sloppy as time went on. Suddenly his office door opened. ''Yes?'' He says not turning around. ''You really should work harder Tubbo, your not getting shit done if you want this job you have to put stuff into it.'' Quackity spoke harshly. ''I know... I'm sorry...'' Tubbo mutters. Quackity rolls his eyes and leaves, slamming the door. 

---Hours later---

It was now around 5 in the morning and Tubbo was still writing away. A few tears stained his paperwork as he could barely hold the pen. Suddenly a knock could be heard on his door. ''Come in...'' He yawned. The door creaked open and came in Ranboo. ''Tubbo?...'' He said softly. ''Yes?'' He continued writing. ''You need to get home and rest...'' His beloved husband walked over to his desk. ''I'm almost finished..'' Tubbo mumbled; grabbed another paper and began to write. ''Hun, you need to rest.'' his husband said 'sternly' ''I'll rest later..'' He looked at the papers he had left. ''Just let me finish the last 3 papers..'' He yawned again. Ranboo sighed but obeyed. He pulled up a chair and sat by him, taking his hand and rubbing his knuckles softly. Soon enough all the paperwork was finished. Tubbo stood up tiredly, grabbing his coat and pulling it over his shoulder then putting his arms in the sleeves. Ranboo sighed and got up after him. Tubbo grabbed his keys and left, locking his office. He made his way out of the building and out of Las'Navades. Strudding through the snow piles they made it back to his mansion, the walkway beautifully lit was lights hanging from trees. Tubbo opened the door, the warm air flooding his face. He smiled softly, taking off his coat and hanging it on the rack close to the door. He didn't even say goodnight to Michael, he just went straight to bed and almost instantly fell asleep. A few hours passed and it was now 1 in the afternoon, and Tubbo was still asleep. Ranboo was sitting on the couch watching Tv and Michael was with Tommy, as Tommy had almost begged him to babysit Michael. Ranboo was thinking. Maybe he should talk to Quackity, he shouldn't be making Tubbo overwork himself all the time, it isn't good for him. He finally decided he needs to put a stop to this, so he got his coat on and made his way up to Las'Navades. He knocked on Quackity's office door a bit harshly. ''Come in!'' Someone called behind the door, Ranboo opened the door and shut it loudly. ''What is it Ranboo?'' Quackity looked at me. I scowl and curled my lips. ''It's about Tubbo.'' I snarled. ''Is he quitting or something?'' ''No, you need to stop making him overwork himself.'' I snap. ''Jesus I'm not doing shit he does that on his own!'' He stands up placing his hands in the air. My eyes widen. This bastard. ''Really? Really?! Don't think I don't know what you tell him every day. Don't think Im fucking blind. I may not remember things, but I can sure as hell see things.'' I growl. Quackity smirks. ''Fiesty much, he told you?'' he chuckled. ''No, but I know my husband and your sickening bullshit.'' I snarl. ''Woah woah bud- calm down-'' He smiled. I cross my arms. ''You think making this look bad will get me in deep shit don't you? Because I don't give two shits- make them scared of me- make them not like me, but what you WILL NOT DO is keep hurting my husband.'' I shrug and step closer. ''I see you still can't see through your own lies!'''' Quackity laughs. ''MY OWN LIES?! YOUR THE LIE HERE! THIS ACT IS SHIT, NO WONDER EVERYONE YOU HAVE LOVED LEFT YOU- LOOK AT HOW YOU TREAT PEOPLE- YOUR OWN FUCKING SON!'' I yell. Quackity is shocked. ''How do you know that?.. Tubbo never tells anyone that.'' He freezes. ''I may forget things that I know, but I don't forget things I don't,'' I growl turning around. ''What does that mean?'' I ignore him. ''What does that mean?!'' He says louder. ''Find out yourself... Alexxis...'' I straighten my posture and leave slamming the door. I see slime on my way out. He waves and I wave back, smiling softly. I leave this horrid country and make my way down the frosty pathways. ''Hey, Boob boi!'' I hear someone yell behind me. I turn to see Tommy. ''Hey Tommy!'' I wait for him to get up to me. ''What were you doing in Las'Navades Doesn't Tubbo work there?'' He says, following me to the Mansion. ''I just needed to talk to his.. 'boss'..'' I snarl. ''What's going on? Did that bitch hurt Tubbo?'' His voice darkens. I chuckle. ''I don't think he will now'' I say as I stomp off the snow on my boots and unlock the door to the mansion. I take off my coat and hang it on the rack. ''Where is he anyway?'' Tommy asks to take off his coat as well. ''In bed.'' I say as I go up to Michael who is playing with toys. ''At 3 in the afternoon?'' Tommy says as he hugs Michael although he has been with him all day. ''He didn't go to bed till 5:46 this morning.'' Ranboo says bluntly. ''Why?'' Tommy plays with Michael. ''He is overworking himself again.'' Tommy nods and goes back to playing with Michael. I start making some food for us all to eat. I hear my bedroom door open and out comes a sleepy Tubbo. Michael gets up and squeals with excitement, hugging Tubbo's legs. Tubbo chuckles, picking him up and giving him a kiss on his forehead. Tommy comes over and began to tickle Michael. He oinks happily and kicks around. Tubbo sets him down so he can run from the 'monster', or Tommy. He sits down on the couch and watches them play, smiling softly. I smile at him and continue to cook, suddenly I hear loud laughing and a thump, I turn around to see Tommy and Michael tickling Tubbo who is on the floor laughing. I chuckle, turning off the stove and serving the food on plates. ''Enough bullying my husband and let's eat.'' Tommy and Michael stop and run into the kitchen. Tubbo stops laughing after a few minutes and gets up, sitting down in between me and Tommy. Tubbo pats his head, ruffling his hair. Tubbo huffs and swats his hand away, Tommy chuckles and we continue our nice Dinner.

I hope Quackity doesn't find out...

Hi everyone! Sorry about the long wait I'm busy lol, but here is the next chapter, idk if you know this AU, or if I'm just too into Wiki lol but it's the time-traveling Ranboo and Karl Au! So basically that's why Ranboo also has memory problems with current stuff, but he remembers everything in the past. If you want more on this just ask and I'll explain it's hard to find on Wiki lol it took me over two hours just to find the page- I hope you have a good day, afternoon, or night. And no Ranboo wasn't using his dead name Quackity is not trans in this, this is what his parents called him in the AU. So do not shame ranboo this is not real it is just an au and it's not deadnaming.

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