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It happened sooner than she had thought. The overwhelming rush of emotions was unbearable. It was the obvious consequence of being surrounded by so many hormonal teenagers. And the inebriation caused by the alcohol almost them meant their natural guards were down. This only mean one thing, too many thoughts were flying around, and they were deafening to Yn. It made her dizzy and light-headed. She had seen her mother this way when she was younger. Her mother would have to close herself off in a dark room, sometimes for days at a time before she was herself again. Her father would try to distract Yn but she knew it weighed heavy on his heart. He had been worried that the love of his life was fading. Now that Yn thinks back on it, the episodes were more and more frequent towards the end.

Yn managed to ween away from Tracey. She had struck up conversation with Adrian to speed things along.

"Yn, wow you have grown," and Adrian had pulled her into a hug. As a child, Adrian had stayed and Yn house countless times, when his parents were busy and thus he had spent a considerable portion his early childhood with Yn. As he had got older from the age of nine onwards, when it was acceptable for his house elves to watch over him, his visits had decreased, and they had ended altogether after the incident with Yn's mother. He had tried to contact her... once. He sent one owl on his mother request. It had taken him a week to figure out what to write. Arian was known to be a Slytherin with a sincere heart having always played Quidditch cleanly. But what was he supposed to say. What support could he possibly offer. He had seen her vacant face that day when she had left Hogwarts, with her father securely guarding her. He never knew if she got the letter. She did not reply. Beside no one really ever knew where she was. Although owls did have their ways.

Yn did receive the letter, but she had not been able to open it. She still had it to this day, and it remained unopened. She had considered opening it many times but could never go through with it.

"Yep," she replied, patting his back awkwardly as he held her in the hug. His arms were firm and solid despite his lean build. He pulled back still holding onto her arms and examining her face. "How are you," she asked although she felt like an imposter asking him this as if they were anything more than acquittances.

"Ah, you know how it is," he shrugged.

She was sure. These times had not been easy on any of them least of all those that may have links to the following.

Before Adrian could go on to ask how she was, because that was a line of questioning, she could not sustain. "You know Tracey, right?" She nudged Tracey with her elbow, who had been patiently waiting behind her, pretending to dance and not notice Adrian when he had shuffled over.

Adrian seemed puzzled by this random statement. "Davies? Y... yeah, I know her, I guess. I've seen her around." His face said it all. He wanted to know what Yn was doing.

"Can I ask you favour?" Yn voice was sickly sweet. She knew that always got everyone. Especially when paired with her large doe eyes.

"Err, yeah. Sure. Of course. Anything," he stumbled over his words trying to not become enraptured by her eyes.

She leaned up on her tippy toes and whispered in his ear. "She likes you. Can you just dance with her or something?"

She dropped to her heels but remained close to Adrian looking up at him. "I don't know," he stuttered.

"It's just one dance Adrian. She just wants to know that you know she exists."

Adrian was hesitant. "Fine, but only if you agree to one thing."

She glanced at Tracey who was hopeful but unaware of the deal that was going down. "Okay, what is it?"

"My birthday..."

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