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As time goes by, and years roll on,

Our bodies change, and we grow strong.

The lines upon our face may show,

The wisdom we have come to know.

Our hair may gray, our skin may wrinkle,

But inside we're still alive and twinkling.

The experiences we've had in life,

Have made us stronger, free from strife.

We've learned to love, to laugh, to live,

To take the good, and learn to give.

The joys of youth, though sweet and bright,

Cannot compare to the beauty of life's long sight.

We see the world with different eyes,

And learn to cherish what's inside.

The people that we've met along the way,

Have made our lives richer, day by day.

So let us not fear the passing of time,

For with it comes a beauty divine.

Our age is but a number, nothing more,

For inside, we are forever young at our core.


The mirror shows a stranger's face,

A shadow of youth, a somber trace.

The years have not been kind, it seems,

As wrinkles etch the face in streams.

The joints once nimble, now complain,

And movement brings an ache and pain.

The mind once sharp, now seems to stray,

Forgetting what we did just yesterday.

The world moves fast, and we move slow,

As time and tide continue to flow.

Our place in life, now out of reach,

As youth and beauty we cannot keep.

The fear of loss, of being forgotten,

As society seems to move on, unbeknownst.

Our worth diminished, our value less,

As youth's fire we cannot possess.

The clock ticks on, as days pass by,

And we are left to wonder why.

Why life's journey must come to this,

A gradual decline, a final abyss.

So let us mourn, and let us grieve,

For what once was, but now must leave.

The price we pay for a life well-lived,

Is to age and wither, until we bid farewell to this world.

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