Memory loss

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In the caverns of my mind,
A void that's hard to define,
Where memories once enshrined,
Are lost forever, left behind.

In the caverns of my mind,
I wander through the halls of time,
But the doors are locked, no sign
Of the moments once so divine.

In the caverns of my mind,
Fragments of the past remind
Me of what I've left behind,
But they slip away, unkind.

In the caverns of my mind,
Faces blur and names unbind,
Friends and loved ones redefined,
Their essence lost, no longer aligned.

In the caverns of my mind,
A labyrinth I cannot find
My way out of, undefined,
A maze where memories are confined.

In the caverns of my mind,
I search for what I cannot find,
A truth that's been undermined,
By the fog of forgetfulness entwined.

In the caverns of my mind,
The present fades, the past resigned,
To a fate that's unrefined,
A memory loss that's intertwined.

In the caverns of my mind,
A void that's hard to define,
Where memories once enshrined,
Are lost forever, left behind.

The void within my mind's deep caverns,
Where memories were enshrined,
Now left behind and hard to define,
Lost forever, never to be found.

Caverns in the memories of my mind,
Once enshrined, a void that's hard to define,
Left behind, the lost are now forever,
Mixed up, where the words were enshrined together

Lost memories within the mind's deep abyss,
Where the void is hard to define and reminisce,
Once enshrined but now left behind forevermore,
The words mixed up, scattered and out of score.

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