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Childhood memories flash before my eyes
As I sit and wonder where the time flies
Gone are the days of carefree play
Replaced with responsibilities every day

Growing up too fast, it seems so clear
The pressure to succeed, to persevere
To leave behind childish things and ways
To face the world and all its displays

The innocence lost, the naivete gone
As I realize how much I have grown
No longer a child, but not yet an adult
Navigating the world, the journey is tumult

Longing to go back to simpler times
To leave behind the pressures and the grinds
To relive the moments of carefree glee
And be the child I used to be

But life moves on, and time won't wait
As I accept my fate, embrace my state
I hold onto the memories of the past
And move forward, growing up too fast.

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