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~Shakes POV~

Suddenly, we heard a loud crash from her bedroom door.

Grabbing the makeshift weapons, we tiptoed our way to her room. The police would be here in about two minutes from now.

Two minutes. Whoever it was, we'd have to hold them for two minutes so that they don't escape.

I didn't know about holding them off but I was sure of one thing- I wasn't going to let them hurt Esperanza.

We nimbly went past the kitchen, her lounge, and into her bedroom.

But I don't think we would've ever been ready enough for what we were about to see.

From the looks of the place, it was obvious it had been broken into. Her wardrobe- which was in her lounge for some reason- was in shambles now. Clothes- and other stuff ifykwim- were everywhere, on her sofa, the floor, her bed. The burglars were really determined to find something valuable, huh?

We'd only been gone for an hour and a half- how come all this had happened in just less than an hour? It was like the burglars were waiting for us to leave- like they knew, we would leave.

I slightly bumped shoulders with Esperanza- who was now wielding her favorite pan in her hand again along with the wrench she got from my toolbox. She motioned for me to stop and listen by putting a finger on my lips and a hand to her ear.

Despite the situation, I couldn't help the slight crimson on my cheeks. I just hope she didn't see that. We could hear slight music- as if someone was singing, I dunno, maybe someone singing a very horrible and way too breathy version of Under the Influence.

Quiet as mice, we finally arrived in her room and- HOLY MOTHER OF COWS SHE HAS A PERSONAL LIBRARY IN HER ROOM??

I'm not much of the reader type but I had to say this was impressive, even for someone who was considerably broke.

But the depressing part was that all her books were now deranged, and I even saw a broken shelf or two. I could tell Esperanza was about to murder whoever did this to her safe haven. Then our eyes fell on the bathroom door. The song was definitely Under the Influence and the person singing was definitely in the bathroom because there was light coming from under the door.

OKAY. So, this was MESSED UP, to say the least. Whoever this sicko was, they clearly had no sense of dignity because they were searching for valuables in the BATHROOM?? Ugh, psychotic amateurs.

The police would be here any minute now. I didn't know who I was assuring, because Esperanza sure couldn't hear my thoughts.

Esperanza hesitated for a second, she didn't want to find out who was in her bathroom and what they were doing in there. I nudged her slightly, hoping my eyes were enough to reassure her that if things went south, I would be there for her. She nodded and opened the door.

Both of us screamed. We couldn't stop ourselves.

It was just too horrible to describe.

There was Lesley towering over Esperanza's bathtub. And we were just getting started with what was wrong.

There was a girl in the tub. Her clothes were torn and ripped- not completely, but you get the idea. Her hands were tied to her back with a thick rope and her auburn hair was falling all over her face. The visible parts of her body were covered in black and blue. Her eyes were bloodshot with the stains of dried tears on her face. The worst part? She looked younger than us- about 15 or 16 at the most.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2023 ⏰

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