First Day At School!

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Rosetta's P.O.V.

I woke up by the annoying sound of the alarm. I remembered what today is and I jumped off bed then went to take a 5 minute shower then I did my hair and make-up. After I was finished I went downstairs to a smiley Rapunzel.

''Good morning!'' She said cheerfully.


''Are you excited for today? Because I know I am!'' She said while she was jumping up and down.

''Well I am kinda excited'' I honestly told her while eating breakfast.

''Oh Rose it'll be fiinneee!! Don't forget that I'll be there!'' She said while eating breakfast.

After we finished there was a knock at the door.

''Got it!'' I opened the door to a smiley Eugene ''Hey Eugene!''

''Good morning Rose!'' He said as he gave me a tight hug.

''Eugene!!!!'' Punzie though her self straight into Eugene's arms and they both hugged tightly.

''Hey babe :) You two ready to go to school?''

''Yep'' We both said in unison. Then we got into Eugene's car and he drove us to school.

We got off the car and we went to get our schedules. Once we got them we went to find our lockers.

''Yaayyy we are locker buddys!'' She hugged me tightly.

''Okaayy what do you guys have on first period?''

''English'' Eugene said.

''I have Physics'' Punzie said.

''I have English too'' I said as me and Eugene high fived.

''Let me see both your schedules'' She took our schedules and examined them ''It looks like we all have the same schedules except Physics and English :(''

''It's OK Punzie! Don't be sad sis cheer up!'' I hugged her.

''Well I am going to my locker girls see you at English and Maths!'' He kissed my for head and pecked Punzies lips then left to his locker.

''Isn't he the sweetest? ^~^'' Punzie said with happiness.

''Yes Punzie he is :P'' we chatted a little then the bell rang we hugged and went to our classes.

I sat alone at the desk next to Eugene and he sat with a brown haired boy with cute nerdy glasses.

I then heard a girl call my name ''Rose!!'' I looked up and saw Merida.

''Mer?!'' I grinned when I looked at her.

''How are ye girl?'' She sat next to me and hugged me and we chatted. Then the teacher came in.

''Good morning everyone! I am your English teacher Miss Ariel!'' After that we started the lesson.

When the bell rang everybody stormed out off class and I went to my locker with Mer and saw Punzie and my cousins Elsa and Anna.

''Rose!!'' Anna cheered while hugging me.

''Hey Anna! Hey Elsa!'' I hugged her too.

''Hey Rosetta! How are you?''

''I am fine Els what bout ya?''

''I am fine too!'' We then started chatting and I learned that we all had the exact same schedule except Punzie of course with Physics and English :( bummer. Suddenly a silvery white haired boy came up to us.

''Sup ladies?'' He smirked at us.

''Jack can you not do that for at least one day?'' Elsa said.

''Nope! It's fun Elsie!''

''Well it's not fun for others'' said Anna.

''Oh c'mon girls let me have some fun!''He whined then suddenly eyed me up and down for 3-4 secs ''K fine I will leave you guys alone I have something important to discuss with Hiccup'' and with that he left.

''Jack just left like that?o.o what happend to him?'' Merida looked shocked.

''I dunno...'' Elsa and Anna said in a unison.

The bell rang and we went to our class.


Heeeyyyyy guys! So how was this chapter? Let me know in the comments! Also to clear somethings Rose is blonde but her hair are till her back but Rapunzel's hair are till her bum. We have Eugenzel, Kristanna, Hiccelsa and Rose, Merida and Jack are single. Rapunzel dresses girly but Rose tomboyish like Mer.

Well I guess that's it! I hope you enjoyed this chap guys!! Byyeee!!

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