Do I? I Do!

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Jack P.O.V.

I got up by Hiccup ringing me reminding me to get up. He is my alarm clock basically. I went to get a shower and then fixed my hair and brushed my teeth. I know would'd probably say that bad boys don't wash or brush their teeth but HEY! We gotta be nice for the ladies ;). I picked my outfit then went downstairs to get breakfast. While I was eating I played with my powers a little. I have missed using them. Once I was finished I putted my dish to the sink took my school bag my jacket my car keys and headed off to school which I hated!

When I arrived there I was greeted by my best friends.

''Sup dudez?'' I said smiling at the sight of them.

''Well look who finally arrived!'' Eugene said.

''Excuse me! My alarm woke me late today!'' I looked at Hiccup and he seems annoyed which I loved doing.

''It's not my fault that you didn't come on time today! I rang you the same time I ring you everyday!'' He said.

''Whatever! If it happens again then you're fired!'' I said sounding serious but I really were dying from laughter in the inside.

There was silence for a couple minutes just looking at each other then we finally cracked up. When we stop and started chatting then I saw her. She wore black skinny jeans, black and white converse and a white T-shirt with a black diamond design on it. Her beautiful blond back-lenght hair were staight. She didn't wore much make-up so she didn't looked like a clown thank god! She looked absolutely beautiful! I just wanted to go over to her and kiss her passionately in her kissable lips a- Wait! Why am I thinking like this!?! What's wrong with me?! Stay focused Jack! But she is so beautiful! No you hate her! Do I? You do! Do I? You do! I do? You don't!

''Jack? Jaackk?? Jaaaaackk!?!'' Hiccup said clicking his fingers into my face interrupting my thoughts.

''Ugh yeah? What's wrong?'' I said looking at them then I noticed I was smiling like an idiot when I was looking at her.

''Are you okay Jack?'' Kristoff said.

''Yeah I am fine why?'' I said.

''Because YOU are blushing!!'' Eugene said smiling.

What?! How is this possible?! ''Whaaaaaatt?? Meeee?? Blushing?? Are you out of your mind?''

''No we are not Jack! You are actually blushing!'' Eugene said.

''That's not possible for me! I am Jack Frost!''

''Yeah we know! That's why we are surprised!'' They said in unison.

Then the bell rang and for the first time I was happy about it! We went to our classes and as usual I sat in the back with Mr and the other bad boys.

Rosetta's P.O.V.

I was chatting with Punzie waiting for the teacher when I felt someone watching me again! Why again?! I decided to look who's watching me and then I saw him. Jack, why is he watching me? But suddenly I was lost in his icy blue beautiful eyes. Ugh why does he have to be so perfect that you want to just kiss him yet you want to hate him for his behavior?! Whyyy?!!! I then found my self grinning and blushing and I noticed him doing the same. I just want to kiss him right now!! But that'll be awkward! I never kissed someone and he is bad boy! Which means lots and lots of chicks and kisses and hot nights so ya we don't much!

Then my thoughts were interrupted by the teacher sadly.

After that and the following boring lessons it was time for lunch so we went to the cafeteria to get our lunches. As we sat down with Punzie and waited for the girls to come guess what? Jack came up to me and had a beautiful but evil smirk on his stupid but beautiful face.

''Hey isn't it time you should start a diet?'' That hurt Frost that hurt.

''Don't worry I got it'' He said and took my lunch ''And it looks like you didn't have a shower either. You poor thing! Here let me help you!'' He then threw my food on me and poured my juice on me too! That freaking idiot!

I started to tear up as the whole school was laughing me. I saw Punzie and all my other friends getting angry but I wasn't 100% sure because everything was blurry so I got up and went to the bathroom to clean up. When I cleared my vision I say that Jack was right when he called me fat he had every right to call me anything. I then broke down in tears.

''Rose?'' I heard Elsa say.

I could answer her I was crying so much that the only thing that escaped my mouth right now were sobs.

''Rose..'' She said when I heard the door open.

She then hugged me really tight calming me down.

''Hey hey shhh you don't need to cryy! Cheer up, be happy and flyyyy'' She said while singing a little bit.

I always smile when she sings, she has a really beautiful voice.

''There you go!'' She said smiling ''Now how about we get you cleaned up okay?'' I just nodded and then she helped me get cleaned up.

''Where is Punzie?'' I asked probably already knowing the answer.

''Screaming at Jack's face'' She giggled a little.

''Classic Rapunzel'' I rolled my eyes while laughing.

''Hah yeah..but that jerk deserves it!'' She said getting serious.

''Yaahh'' I agreed with her.

When we were finished the bell rang and we went to our classes. After that Rapunzel told us she slapped Jack and that Anna kicked him where the sun doesn't shine. But Punzie didn't need to tell us that we saw the red mark on his face and that he was still holding his parts from the pain. 'Anna must have kicked him with maximum strength to still hurt there!' I thought. He didn't talk to us again the rest off the day and he was in detention again! Yaayy!!

We then decided that tomorrow we will go out to have fun with the girls! Yayy that means shopping!! And that means shoeeess *-* I am so excited! And now you are probably asking << But didn't you just started school?>> Yes I did! But school started on Thursday! And today is Friday so tomorrow is Saturday!!! T^T YAAASS!!!


Heyy hope you enjoyed this chapter!! Thank you for reading! See you in the next chapter! Byee!!

What will happen tomorrow? Are the girls going to have a fun day? Find out in the next chapter!

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