Being Bullied!

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We entered the classroom and I sat with Punzie as Mer sat with alone in the back with I guess the ''bad'' boys. As I looked over to her to make sure me and Punzies bestie was okay. I spotted Jack looking at me with the brown haired boy with the cute nerdy glasses from English. I decided to ignore it and as I turned  my head to it's original position the teacher came in.

''Hello class I am your math teacher Miss Aurora'' Then we started the lesson.

The bell rang and we headed to our lockers.

''Punzie?!'' She turned her head to look who is calling her.

''Oh hey Hiccup!'' I looked over my shoulder to look at the guy with the cute nerdy glasses. 'So that's Hiccup' I thought.

''Can you come umm.. to help me with something?'' He asked and he sounded a little bit worried... I wonder why.

''Sure!'' She then looked at me and I nodded my head letting her go. ''Coming!'' She took some of her books and went to help Hiccup.

''Soo you are?'' Someone told me and I turned my head to look at Jack. 'Ughh why to me!?!' I thought.

''The name's Rose'' I said while flipping through my Geography book trying to avoid him.

He didn't talk and I wondered why, but suddenly he pushed my book off my hands to the ground. 'Jerk' I thought.

''Go on pick up your book.. Stupid!'' He said with a smirk on his stupid but beautiful face. Wait! What?! I ignored my thoughts and pick up my book only for it to be thrown to the ground again. As I went to pick it up again I was pushed to the lockers by my head and it hurt a LOT. ''Pfft pathetic'' He said and laughed while walking away leaving me there. I touched were my head hurt and when I looked at my hand I saw a little bit of blood. 'Sh*t' I thought while picking up my book and getting up.

''Rose?!'' I heard Rapunzel running towards me and then gasp.


I was finished helping Hiccup with his 'problem' when I heard a boom from some lockers I looked at that direction and saw Jack walking away and my sister touching her head while she is on the ground. I walked slowly towards her as she picked up her book and got up and then started running.

''Rose?!'' I said while running towards her, she turned her head to look at me and I gasped. Why you would probably ask? BECAUSE THERE WAS FREAKING BLOOD ON HER HEAD!!! I approached her and examined her wound then glanced at the lockers and saw a little bit of blood there. ''What happened?!'' I asked her.

''Nothing..'' She lied.

''Rose if nothing happened then why you have blood on your head?!'' I asked her sounding worried because I AM WORRIED! She just looked at the locker not answering me but as her twin I knew what happened. ''Is Jack responsible for this?'' I said while pointing at her wound. She just slightly nodded. Oh I am so killing the dude!

''No need to kill anybody Punzie I am okay!'' She said and I realized I said it out loud.

''You can't be okay you have a freaking wound in your head!'' I told her. ''Let's take you to the nurses'' I grabbed her arm and took her to the nurses office.


I had my wound cleaned at the nurses. Suddenly the door opened and there stood Mrs Snow White, my cousins, Mer, Hiccup, Eugene, Kristoff and... Jack?!?! Rapunzel stood up ready to go and beat up Jack but I grabbed her hand and hold her back. She looked at me and sat back down beside me.

''Mrs White'' The nurse said standing up after putting a plaster on my wound.

''Miss Rabbit'' She said nodding her head then looked at me. ''Are you OK Rosetta?'' I nodded my head while she looked at Jack. ''Jack are you going to apologize?'' Jack hesitated and then Hiccup smacked him behind the head.

''OUCH! Dude! Not cool!'' He said glaring at Hiccup while he motioned him to apologize to me. ''Ugh fine!! I am sorry!!'' He glared at me then at Mrs White. ''Can I go now?'' He asked.

''Yes but you are going in detention!'' Jack groaned then left followed by Mrs White.

''Jack's such a jerk'' Elsa said.

''He is indeed'' The boys said sounding annoyed by Jacks behavior.

The rest off the day went by fast and we were now walking home from school with Punzie while talking, commenting and laughing about today.


Heyyyy I hope that you enjoyed this chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it! Also plz check out my Ask And Dare The Big Six book and comment!

Why did Jack bullied Rose at the first place? What will happen tomorrow? Find out on the next chapter!

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