Are We A Thing?

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Rosetta's P.O.V.

The next morning I woke up with a smile on my face. I jumped out of bed and headed to the bathroom. I took a quick shower and got ready for the day. I putted my hair up on a messy bun and went downstairs and saw Punz all dressed up.

''Good morning..?'' I said confused.

''Oh! Morning!'' She said looking happy.

''What's the occasion?'' I said pointing to her outfit.

''Oh! I have a date with Eugene today!!'' She said excited.

''Were are you going?'' I asked while starting to eat the pancakes.

''Well he didn't really tell me but he said that we are going somewhere calm and beautiful!'' She said dreamily while eating.

''..Really?'' She nodded ''Then I think you should stop eating because you are going to have a picnic!''

''Whaa..Okay fine..'' She said looking a little bit disappointed then stopped eating.

I continued eating while she was texting on her phone. After about 10 minutes I putted my plate on the sink and washed it.

''Eugene said that he'll be over at 12!''

''Well it's 10 so you have 2 hours to freshen up :P'' I said looking at my watch.

''Oh god yes!'' She rushed to the mirror.

I quietly laughed and sat on the couch watching TV.

After what seemed like just a couple of seconds for me the doorbell rang.

''I got iitt!!'' Punzie rushed to the door and opened it to reveal..a guy with flowers covering his face?''Uhhh..''

''Hey babe!'' Eugene said and lowered the flowers.

''Aawww Eugene! You shouldn't have!!'' She took the flowers and smelled them.

''Everything for you sunshine!'' He smiled at Punzie.

''You are the sweetest!'' She said kissing him and I looked the other way cause it disgust me. Yeah you'll probably say but you kissed Jack, why weren't you disgust then? Well it's because I don't like to SEE people kissing! ''Rose can you put them in a vase?''

''Sure!'' I said getting up and taking the flowers and putted them in a base and then filled it up with water.

''Thank you!!''

''We will be back at night!'' Eugene said while smiling at Punzie as they left.

I peeked through the door to see if they left. ''Party tiimee!!!'' I jumped up and down and went to the CD player and putted on my favorite music disc. ''Ohhh yeaahh woo!!'' I started dancing when my phone rang. ''Nooo!! T-T'' I picked the phone up ''Hello?''

''Hey..'' It was Jack.

''Uhh heyy..'' I said.

''Soo....Can we talk about this in person? It's hard from the phone.''

''Yeah sure.''

''OK I'll be there in a few...See ya.'' He hanged up.

I looked around the room and I started cleaning because I made a mess.

After a couple of minutes the doorbell rang ''Oh god he is here!'' I closed the music and went to the door. ''Hey Jack.'' I said as I opened the door.

Jack's P.O.V.

I rang her doorbell. I really wanted to see her again. I felt like I needed to tell her my feelings in person and not from a stupid phone. Suddenly the door was opened and there stood Rose in her pj's with very few make-up on. She didn't need that stuff she was already beautiful.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2015 ⏰

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