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Rosetta's P.O.V.

Today is Saturday! I jumped out of bed happy and hoped in the shower. After 20 minutes I was done showering and dried and curled the ends of my hair. I then rushed to my closet and pulled out some light blue high-waisted shorts and a white crop-top. I got dressed then did my make-up and went downstairs to eat breakfast.

''Morning!'' I said happily at Punzie.

''Good morning! Someone is in a great mood today!'' She said smiling while placing breakfast on the table.

''Umm duuhh!! I am going shopping with the best people in the world!!'' I said.

''Haha! Agreed sissy!'' She said laughing a little and then we ate breakfast.

About 15 minutes later when we were done eating I helped Rapunzel with the dishes and then we took money, house keys, car keys and phones. We wore our shoes and left the house to go meet the girls at the mall.

''Hey yo you twins!...uhhh I don't know what to say next :P oh man I am bad at rapping x3'' We heard Anna say.

''XD Hey giirlllsss!!!'' We both said running at them and hugging them.

We chatted a little then headed to Forever21 first. Elsa had 2 bags, Anna 3, Mer 1, Me 1 and Punzie 3. We then when to H&M and Elsa had 2 bags, Anna 3, Mer 2, Me 2 and Punzie 4. So basically in total Elsa: 4 bags, Anna:n6 bags, Mer: 3 bags, Me: 3 bags, Punzie: 7 bags. Ding ding we have a winner! Punzie has the most bags!...Again! Next stop was Starbucks! What..we needed to go there! Anyway when we sat down waiting for Punzie to come back with the drinks guess what...the guys came! And sadly with Jack! -_-

''Hellooo ladieeesss'' Jack said when he looked at me.

''Jack don't start again mate!'' Hiccup said.

''Start what?'' Jack glared at Hiccup.

''Stop giving me glares Jack! You know what you don't have to do again!''

''Pfft whatever'' Jack said annoyed.

They sat down with us unfortunately! They all chatted and I remained silent and I noticed Jack glaring at me from times to times...weirdo! Luckily my sister finally came and she wasn't very happy when she saw Jack.

''What are you doing here -_-'' She said angrily glaring at Jack.

''I am hanging out with my friends. Why?'' Jack said confused. Friends? We are not his friends! The boys might be but we are not!

''Friends? We are not your friends! The boys might be but WE are not!'' She said. Sometimes I love it when she reads my mind.

''-_-'' Jack sat unamused.

''Babe calm down we told him not to do anything or hurt Rosetta!'' Eugene said reassuring her and she calmed down and sat with us.

I still remained silent while they talked and laughed. Jack was staring at me and I tried not to look at him in the eyes. Even though it's hard to look at his beautiful icy blue dreamy eyes. I could just get lost in them.

''What do you think about it Rose?'' Punzie said interrupting my thoughts.

''Mmm?'' I looked at her ''I'm sorry I wasn't listening'' I honestly told her.

Eugene and her gasped. ''You did not listened to a convo?! What's wrong with you?'' They both said while Punzie checked to see if I am ill.

''Punz I am fiinee -_-''

''But you are not yourself! You didn't listened what we said!'' She said sounding shocked.

''-_-'' I looked at her with a 'seriously..?' expression.

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