1. Darry's First Time

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Darrel Curtis updated his status: how to get a Facebook


Sodapop Curtis: Darry this isnt google try again

Darrel Curtis: how to get a Facebook

Dallas Winston: you have one this is facebook darry

Darrel Curtis: how to get a Facebook

Ponyboy Curtis: This is why old people shouldn't have the internet

Dallas Winston, Sodapop Curtis, and 4 others like this

Darrel Curtis: how to get a Facebook

Sodapop Curtis: oh my god stop before I sodaPOP some sense into you

Dallas Winston, Johnny Cade, and 4 others like this

Darrel Curtis: lol okay

Two-Bit Mathews: guys

Two-Bit Mathews: he stopped


Brendon Urie likes this.

Dallas Winston: pony no

Steve Randle: let's not start singing now child

Two-Bit Mathews, Dallas Winston, and 4 others like this

Darrel Curtis: 😂😭👍🏽👍🏾😫💙🙆😁❤️😄💜💚😍😋👍🏿😊👽💛👍👍🏻👍🏼⚠️👊🏿🆙😒♋️👥👊🙋🏼😓😀😅😉😍😒😗😗😜😡😁😆😊😎😓😘😝😢😂😇☺️😏😔😙😞😣

Sodapop Curtis: oh lord Jesus

Steve Randle likes this

Dallas Winston: Darry no

Darrel Curtis: 💁🙌👊✋👇👐🌱🌲🌺🌼🍂🍄🐭🌾🌿🐏🐠🐡🐛🐜🐲🐵🐵🐜🌈🗾🌎🌗🌗🌕🍑🍓🍈🍪🍧🍩🍭🍝🍡🍘🍣🍭🎁🍺🍻🍺🎎🎐🎆🎍🎓🏮🎐💚💖💗🏇🏾⛺️🏂💃🏿⚾️🏀🎵🎧🏆🎼🎫🎩🎪🎯🚅🛃

Ponyboy Curtis: Darry what the heck are you doing

Darrel Curtis: language Ponyboy Michael

Sodapop Curtis likes this.

Two-Bit Mathews: oh! You just got served in a bowl with a spoon!!

All greasers like this.

Dallas Winston: what I don't understand is why you Curtis' let him discover the internet.

Darrel Curtis: I really like these little pictures 👍👍😉😊😆😗😓😏😛!!!

Steve Randle likes this.

Sodapop Curtis: Those are called emojis Darry

Johnny Cade: Someone take his phone away

S.E. Hinton, Sodapop Curtis, and 136 others like this.


This is my first Outsiders thing so I'm probably going to do more later, but I'm tired so BYE

~ staygoldphan

p.s. it's me from the future. after going to a panic! concert and crying there (oops? I mean dallon weekes?? cmon??) I added a little something when pony sings hallelujah in this hahahahahahahhahhahahahahahahhahahahahahimwritingpanic!shiponeshotssomeonehelpimtoofarintothepanic!fandomhahahahahahahahahaha

If The Outsiders Had Facebook (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now