6: The Palm Reading

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(Ophelia's POV)

It's been ten days since we last spoke.

Andrea would come outside, but just to say goodbye to her last client of the day. I noticed that she only ever came outside for and hugged her last client, and this made me jealous. I knew I didn't have to pay for her time, like her client did, but I also couldn't help the possessiveness I had over Andrea. I felt as if I were entitled to her when I really wasn't. She was her own woman, and that's what made her so attractive, but I just couldn't let it go.

And I didn't want to.

I held onto every single emotion I felt, telling myself that it was valid to be sad, valid to be angry, valid to be envious of all those people coming in and out. I didn't know if it was healthy, but it sure as hell was valid. She ditched me when I needed her the most and left me crying and broken on my living-room couch.

But maybe I ruined it by making it awkward.

She wasn't going to kiss me initially. She just wanted to be there for me. But I just had to say what I said. 'Or I'd go insane'? Really? Were the stakes that high? Was I getting that desperate for her?

I was afraid I was.

But why did she feel so bad afterwards? I knew it wasn't because I was a bad kisser, although I considered it. The way she pulled me in and sighed into my mouth said otherwise. The expression on her face when she pulled away was deeper than that.

All I knew was, I was going crazy without her.

Work was bland. I didn't get to do much. And home was even blander. I had nothing to do but sit and cry and smell my purifier. I'd already burned through the first pod she gave me. I couldn't get enough of it. It was strange to associate that smell with her instead of Virginia, but I did nonetheless, because she made them just for me, and I'm afraid I had no control over that, either.

I've never felt this emotionally connected to someone. Usually it was all about the physical, but this was different. I didn't want her body, contrary to popular belief. I wanted to connect our souls. I wanted to get so intertwined in her life that I got lost in it. I wanted to dive into a depth that was so unknown and scary yet beautiful and enticing all at once.

I wanted her, all of her, and I didn't know why.

But if all that were true then why did I fantasize about her body day in and day out? I was starting to think of the spell theory again at this point. I didn't exactly believe in all that before, but this whole situation had me questioning everything. I didn't know. All I knew was that I needed to get to the bottom of this, and in order to do that, I needed to see her again.


It was a quiet Wednesday evening. I was sitting on my couch watching tv, completely zoned out, when the brilliant idea came to me, and a plan started to form.

Book with her!

Of course! If I booked with her, she couldn't possibly turn me away. I'd just use my middle name for the registration process or whatever, because if she knew it was me I was afraid she would decline. I got up to get my computer before I forgot, and began to google her name.

You'd be surprised how many psychics are named Andrea. I had to be more specific in my searches and put in 'Andrea psychic Houston' instead. I ended up finding her website, and there was a link to book with her, but she was so full of clients. Her next available appointment was in December!

Keep in mind it was August.

I scoffed, snapping my laptop shut in frustration, mad at myself for not knowing how popping she really was. What now? Plan B? I guess it would have to be.

My plan B was to just go over there if she ignored me for one more day. I would simply demand some sort of reading, or whatever psychics do, and that's all. I wouldn't ask anything else of her. No pressure. No kissing, no touching, no commitment other than a professional one.

And if it was what I had to do to get her back, then so be it.



I sounded so small to my own ears. Andrea had cracked the door open and was peaking out, but she softened when she saw me, opening the door all the way and stepping outside. She wasn't smiling. She looked worried.

"Oh. Hello, dolly. What do you need?" she asked, her eyes full of concern. I wondered why.

"I would like a reading, please," I replied as confidently as I could. Finally, Andrea smiled, but I think it was a patronizing one and not one of her usual happy, glowing ones.

"What kind of reading, doll? I offer several. Palm readings, tea readings, astrology chart readings, you name it," she broke it down, and I was even more lost.

"I'll take the palm reading. Please," I said in stilted speech. At least this way she could hold my hand.

She contemplated for a moment, and I was sure she was going to say no. But she surprised me by smiling a real smile this time and saying,

"Come on in, neighbor. I'm not doing anything."


Once inside, she instructed me to sit on the other end of her round dining-room table. I did almost instantly, cursing myself for letting her have such a hold on me.

"Alright. Now just relax. I can feel a lot of angst surrounding you right now, and I need you to have a clear head to get a good reading," she explained. I nodded, trying to get myself together to no avail.

"I can't exactly relax right now. Bad day at work," I lied, not wanting to say the real reason I was so wound up. Andrea gave me a sympathetic look before saying,

"Me too."

I tilted my head as she sat down across from me, a little too far away for my taste.

"Elaborate?" I asked, and she shook her head.

"This isn't about me. This is about you," she tried to deflect, but now I was the one shaking my head.

"You're wrong. This is about us. And you know it, don't you?" I pried, wanting to see how far I could bend her before she broke. I watched her as she swallowed, sighed, and then, she finally spoke,

"I wish it were about us, more than anything, but it's not. We're not the only two people in the world, no matter how it seems when we're together," she sounded so sad, and I reached out my hand. Very hesitantly, she put hers in my awaiting palm, grasping gently.

"Do the reading. We don't have to think about anything else," I told her, and she began to study my palm for a long time before she finally spoke,

"Long lifeline," she mused, "You have a happy future ahead of you. But . . . here. There's a gap in the line. Something is going to offset the trajectory of your happiness, but only temporarily. Let's see. What else . . ." she began to grow very thoughtful as she observed my palm. I was starting to get a little fidgety from the feeling of my hand in hers. She was just so careful with me, as if I really were a porcelain doll.

"You seem more calm," Andrea commented before going back to the reading,

"Okay. I'm sensing a lot of pain around you right now that needs released in order for you to move forward contentedly in your life and . . . shit. This is all my fault, isn't it? You coming here, thinking you need to pay for my time when I would willingly give it all to you if I had it. But I can't," she looked down, dropping my hand, severing the connection I felt from the contact.

And for the first time, I noticed a gold band on her left ring finger.


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