Year Four

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To rende thee soul is first and foremoste thee vilest thyng in thee world. Itte ys but a cruelle ande unjuste Manne, steep'd in thee Most Demmonic of Urges, who canst subjecte to thys hys owne soul and those of others upon whych he hast extracted thee Steepest pryce: that of Deathe ytselfe. Ande upon thys extraction, ande only by thys means, may he take but a peace of hys soul ande confyn yt in a Vessele of hys choice. Thus, he ensureth himself freedom from thee grasp of thee Bone Walker; Immortale ande yet Cursed to suffer ane eternity of tormente yf ever he lose hys Vessele.

Harry trailed his finger down the crackling parchment one more time, looked at the words 'cruelle and unjuste', then looked up at his grandmother curiously. "Grandmama, you don't have a Horcrux, do you?"

"No," Granny Frump cackled, fingers still furiously knitting. She was making a jumper for Pubert. It had four arms. "That would be cheating."

"Don't we always cheat?"

"Not when it comes to Death." She said, hissing the last word with relish. "What's the point of stopping it or trying to run away from it?"

"Cousin Arture made a Philosopher's Stone for you five years ago." He said thoughtfully. He had read up on that too, after his first year, intrigued by the nonsense Quirrel and Tom had been spouting. It was created in an alchemist's circle, a condensed form of a thousand lives given unwillingly and harvested at the same time. The last they heard of Cousin Arture, he had moved. Again.

"And I threw it away." His grandmother smiled gruesomely at him, her teeth rotted and black. "Death is glorious. It's what we Addams live for."


The dirty, wasted form chained to the wall started to shiver as soon as the door was opened. It was long past screaming now.

"Good morning, Peter." Harry smiled at his captive as he settled himself on the cold stone floor. Rats and cockroaches scuttled out of his way. "How are you today?"

"P-please..." It pleaded from cracked, bleeding lips. "D-don't..."

She had only practiced on pets and the occasional stray bear, but he could see the evidence that she had not only inherited Mother's looks but her talent as well. Wednesday was getting good.

"Now, now, I just wanted to talk today. I assume you know about dear Tom and his Horcruxes. I would like you to tell me about them, if you don't mind."

A shimmer of defiance entered the sunken eyes. "N-no..."

Well, well. That was certainly admirable. It seemed his loyalty hadn't been erased just yet. Tom Riddle must have been quite the speaker in his day. Harry had read up on the speeches he had made as well, all about pureblood supremacy and extermination. He had read a lot this summer. It had been quite enlightening.

Reading wasn't the only way to gain information though.

A sharp edge gleamed for a moment in the candlelight.


Remus' fingers twitched as the leather straps were tightened even more. The cables were humming with electricity. He could see sparks leaping from the ancient lever board.

Sirius stood a little way in the corner, his hair on end. His hands were shaking around a cup of water but he had a mad grin stretching from ear to ear, so he was probably alright.


"Harry,'s safe, isn't it?"

Wednesday snorted, her hand on the throw lever already even though the device was still warming up.

Harveste Addams (PotterxAddams)Where stories live. Discover now