Years Six

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After going back to Malfoy Manor to re-pack his trunk and replenish his supply of antidotes, Draco had left immediately for America. Someone's got to protect you, he had sighed at his surprised father.

He had been right, of course. Not five minutes in the Addams home and a young man called Pugsley had tried to decapitate him. Lucius had been extremely fortunate that he had had to sneeze at that exact moment.

Lucius, still encased in Harveste Addams' teenage body, had been dreading having to inform Morticia and Gomez about the current situation regarding their son. Needless to say, their reaction hadn't been what he was expecting.

Gomez had actually lit up a celebratory cigar. "Our Viper's done well, eh?"

"You were aware of this particular eventuality?"

"Yes, Mr. Malfoy." The gaunt, almost too-vampiric woman sitting across from him said, taking a sip from a wineglass. He could only hope that the thin red liquid in it was actually wine.

"You let your son go to jail?"

"But of course!" Gomez exclaimed. "All he had to do was ask! There's no law against wanting to go to prison!"

"I don't think people want to go to prison, Mister Addams." Draco volunteered hesitantly. "They get caught and then they get put in prison unwillingly."

"All for the better! Small-time thieves, road hogs, extortionists, penny fraudsters...we don't want those kinds of people on our streets!"

"Er... indeed." Lucius leaned back and away from Gomez' mad enthusiasm.

"They should let out the serial killers and arsonists instead! Makes everything more challenging, don't you agree?"


"And the food! Lumpy, unidentifiable pig swill with the consistency of fresh vomit mixed with rat droppings, the nose hairs off the greasy fry cook, and yesterday's spit. They don't even wash their hands, you know. The hygiene there is appalling." Lucius looked a little green. "All in all, it's better than Grandmama's cooking, but don't tell her I said so!"

Draco quietly snickered at the disgusted look that briefly crossed his father's face. It was strange to see on that familiar countenance, but hilarious to think that Harveste had thus far only ever grimaced at the smell of floral Dementors.

"Ah, prison." Gomez looked over at his wife and started to kiss her hand languorously. "Can you just imagine it, cara mia? Our beautiful viper in a ten by twelve cell, no sunlight, chained to the wall, surrounded by murderers and rapists and all sorts of homicidal maniacs..."

Morticia smiled. "He will have such fun."


Every Wednesday, certain prisoners were allowed to eat their lunch in the yard. From the lower observation deck, Gawain Robards could see the lone blond quietly eating under a gnarled leafless tree.

There was something strange about Lucius Malfoy, Gawain decided. He just couldn't put his finger on why.

Maybe it was the way he always looked so pristine. The rest of the prisoners in Azkaban were a motley ragged crew that fit in with the the dark, haunted stones of the prison halls. Lucius, with his white-blond hair always brushed and tied at the back of his neck, his clothes mended and clean, glowed like a star.

Maybe it was his manners. Gawain knew the guards, especially those who had lost family members at the hands of the interred murderers, often gave in to the darker urges. It was an open secret, and though Gawain never did have the stomach for that sort of thing, he didn't begrudge those who wanted to sate their blood lust. There were many who resented the quiet Malfoy, what with him being a Death Eater and all, and in the beginning, he was often taken out of his cell and into the heavily-soundproofed dungeons below.

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