Thought I might as well post some of these since.
This is not an actual chapter.White Sox v San Francisco Giants
(pov: Indiana)
The bedroom door suddenly swung open revealing California. "Do you not know what knocking is?" I questioned. "Nope, never heard of her!" Cali responded. "Where's Illi?" He asked. "How would I know? Did you check her room?" I said. " I think I saw her talking to Michigan in the living room." Ohio said, turning away from the mirror. " Thanks! Wait, what are you doing?" Cali answered. "Trying to summon Bloody Mary." Ohio replied. " uh- can you do that like not in our SHARED bedroom?" I said turning towards him. "I'll consider it."
(Pov: Illinois)
"ILLIIIIIII" I heard Cal call out. "WHAT" I yelled back. " hi." Cali said, appearing in front of me. "Uh- hi?" I responded. " Do you know what today is?" He asked. "Uh wednesday?" I said, getting confused. There's literally a calendar on the fridge. " no- I mean yes, but that's not what i meant." Cal stated. "Okay well what did you mean?" I questioned. " Your not-so wONdErfUl Chicago Sox are going against the San Francisco Giants." California announced. "We're gonna beat you." I stated. "I doubt it. When was the last time you won the World Series? Uh 2006?" Cal replied. "2014 isn't much better." I said. "It's better than 2006."
Sincerely vs California
(Pov: Confederate)
"California is in a tree" Was the 'short' answer. "A little longer of an answer." I said, looking down at the state in front of me. "Sincerely. Tree. California." Nevada stated. "Ok. Let's go."
"He's not that scary!" Florida yelled to Cali. "YES HE IS!" The golden state yelled back. "Cali do. Not. Fall." Sippi called out. "I wasn't planning on it!" California yelled back. "Actually I don't think I can!"
"Wait why?" I called to him. "My shirt is caught on this branch." He said, pointing to a stick connected to the branch he was hanging onto. "Seriously!" I said. "Oklahoma, where are you going?" Texas asked the state who was now walking away. "To get my frying pan." He replied. "Do not hit my precious alligator with a frying pan!" Florida yelled.That's about as far as I got with that one.
A broken window and a gun
(Pov: America)
"What was that?" Confederate said sitting up. "I don't know. Sounded like a window breaking." I responded. We walked into the kitchen to see the window broken. "Looks like a bullet hole." Confederate stated. "Sorry!" Texas said coming in through the back door. "I missed the target.."
"You missed the target by like 5 feet ya know." Confederate replied. "Oops"
"You're lucky you didn't shoot anyone." I said, looking down at my lone star state.Word Count - 464
(4/19/22)C.14 will probably be out tmrw.

FanfictionDISCLAIMER: I wrote this in 7th grade. Only read this is you like to suffer in 2023 countryhuman fandom. xoxo, k America has 51 (psychotic) children to take care of and the only other person that knows is his half, Confederate. He's constantly late...