"I don't think I've met you before, who are you?" Andy asks me.

"I'm Elodie, Austin's girlfriend" I tell him with a smile.

"I'm Andy Biersack, nice to meet you" he says with a smile.

"You too. I know who you are, your band are amazing, well done on winning the awards" I say over the loud music.

"Thanks, so you're a fan? How old are you?" he asks.

"I'm 21. I listened to you guys when I was growing up...I still do" I confess.

"That's nice...so you're the famous Elodie!!" he says with a laugh.

"Yeah, I guess so"

"That was cute what Austin said about you" he says.

"Yeah, it's a bit embarrassing though" I say with a laugh

"No its not!! I would do exactly the same thing for the woman of my life if she'd let me but she won't! He really cares about you and it's cute to see...anyway, I'm gonna go get another drink, wanna come?" he asks and I politely decline his offer

"I'm ok at the moment, thanks for the offer though, see you around" I say to him and he makes a bee line for the bar.

"How're you holding up?" Austin asks, coming up behind me and placing his hands on my hips and bringing me closer to his body.

"I'm good, I've only had three drinks...I'm not even tipsy" I say, proud.

"Good, I dont want to be taking home a drunk Elodie" he gives me a wink and kisses me on the cheek, we find a quiet place to sit and I lay my head on his shoulder, tracing the tattoos on his hands with my fingers.

"Are you feeling ok after what happened with the baby and all?" he asks me and I nod.

"The worst thing for me was knowing that you'd be upset...that's why I didn't want you finding out" I tell him, getting off his shoulder and looking into his eyes.

"Don't worry about it, everything is fine now, you're safe and sound now with me" he says and gives me a hug and I close my eyes.

Once I open them again I see a tall guy who looks strangely familiar walking towards us. My eyes widen with shock and he's standing there in front of us.

"Aww, how cute...Elodie with her boyfriend. I told you I'd find you again" he says to me matter of factly.

"Who's this?" Austin asks, confused.

"Ummm, he's just a guy from school" I lie and he laughs loudly.

"A guy from school!!! Oh I'm more than that!!! I'm her ex" he says and Austin suddenly tenses.

"Get the fuck away from us, ok? We don't have time for you" he threatens Sonny.

"Babe, please don't" I whisper to him.

Since the last time I saw him, Sonny has gotten a lot more muscly and I'd be afraid of Austin getting hurt.

"You've got Elodie protecting you, that's so adorable" Sonny takes the mick.

"And what if I don't stay away, what will you do then? What would you do if I took Elodie away again and never brought her back?" he asks Austin innocently.

Austin stands up and I'm thankful that he's a whole head taller than Sonny.

"I'd kill you" he growls.

"I'd like to see you try" Sonny cackles.

"Bye, babe, see you later" Sonny waves goodbye to me and walks off laughing.

I feel sick and dizzy. Did that seriously just happen? Did the boy who used and sold me on to someone else to use really just come back to threaten me?

"He's not coming anywhere near you" Austin comforts me and I nod trying to keep the tears back. I know Austin has promised I'll be safe but knowing Sonny is around has made me unsure.

What I don't understand is how he knew we'd be in London because he doesn't even know Austin and I've blocked him on all of my social media pages, he's stalking me...again.

Would You Still Be There? (An Austin Carlile fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now