My whole world has been turned upside down now that I know Sonny is out to get me again. He's in my mind all the time and it's causing the worst arguments between me and Austin. At the moment he's not talking to me because of it. He smashed the hotel lamp and mirror before walking out. I don't know where he's gone and the thought of me being in this hotel room alone with no protection other than a wooden door, scares me.

I try calling him but he doesn't answer. I call Alan and he picks up.

"Hi, do you know where Austin is?" I ask him

"Dude, she's asking where you are" he whispers to him but I can hear.

"Austin. I know you're with Alan, he's talking to you so please just listen to me. I know I'm annoying you but please come back. You promised me you'd keep me safe but I don't feel safe at all. I.." I can't finish my sentence.

Our hotel room door gets knocked down and standing in the doorway is Sonny.

"Oh my god, Austin. Come back, he's here!!!" I scream down the phone.

Austin's POV

"Oh my God, Austin. Come back, he's here" she screams down the phone, she sounds petrified and I listen to what's going on.

"Where's your boyfriend, Els? Has he left you? Has he realised what a little bitch you are? Has he realised what a worthless little shit you are?" he shouts down the phone. My blood boils just hearing his voice. I run off with Alan's phone to my car to carry on listening.

"Dude, that's my phone. Wait up!!!" Alan shouts after me, catching up to me and I shush him as I get in my car, place the phone down and drive back to the hotel.

I hear her screaming out in agony along with loud thumps.

"Please, Sonny stop!!!" she cries out.

"Oh my god, Austin turn it off I can't listen" Alan grimaces.

"Then don't listen. I need to know what he's doing to her" I shout at him.

"You're coming back with me" he says to her and she whimpers out in pain and defeat, I know she's probably unable to reply, is she unconscious?

As soon as we pull into the hotel car park we run out the car and we see Sonny dragging her round the back into his car. I sprint up to him and he drops Elodie on the ground, she lays there limp and unconscious. I punch him to the ground and start to kick him.

"Decided to turn up then?" he asks as I'm kicking him hard in the head and stomach.

"You fucking dickhead" I yell at him as tears stream down my face. I see Alan drag Elodie off the ground and into the hotel.

His face is bloodied and he's not moving any more so I stop and walk away.

"She's not a good fuck" he manages to say and I stomp on his head, walking away to find my girlfriend.


"He's gonna fucking pay" I spit to no one in particular as Alan is cleaning her up.

"Calm down, I know you're angry but just calm down...where is he now?" El asks me.

I walk to the window and see him still lying on the floor of the car park.

"He's out there" I tell her and she gets up to look, she gasps.

"What did you do to him??!" she gasps, horrified.

"I just kicked him a little bit" I say.

"Austin...shush" Alan says and we look around to find two police officers standing in the doorway.

"Austin Robert Carlile. We are arresting you for felonious assault, anything you say now can be used in court against you so I suggest you zip it" one of the policemen says, walking up to me and tying my hands up in cuffs. Panic runs through me and I'm sweating like mad.

"Wait! I was just defending my girlfriend, he just attacked her!" I say frantically.

I look towards her and she is on her knees in tears with Alan by her side comforting her.

"Mr Ashby and Ms Mathers, if you would like us to escort you to the police station that would be grand" the other officer says.

The first one takes me into one car and I look over to where Sonny is lying, surrounded by medics and officers. I look over to Elodie who is being taken into a different car, in tears.

I'm so stupid! Why didn't I just leave once Alan got her!?

Would You Still Be There? (An Austin Carlile fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now