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  lilith and matt has finally pulled up to her house and as they were getting out the door swung open revealing two very mad girls.

"lilith you better tell us everything and i mean everything!" athena yelled running over to the car to try and pull her out.

"fine i will let me tell matt bye damn." she said turning to matt who was silently laughing. "bye matt thank you for today it meant a lot to me." she said smiling, kissing his cheek and grabbing the flowers before she shut the door.

before she could even get into the house she was bombarded with millions of questions by the two girls.

"what happened? you guys kissed? when? how?" athena said closing the door and making lilith go into the living room.

"if you guys don't give me a second to breathe i might just jump out of a window." she said groaning and laughing at the same time.

halley and athena rolled their eyes at one another. "tell us then!" athena said plopping onto the couch as halley did the same.

"fine damn. so the other night he confessed he liked me and we ended up kissing but i didn't want to really tell anyone yet. then we went on a date and just got to know each other more." she said fidgeting with her hands because she was expecting them to get mad since she didn't tell them.

instead they were over the moon happy for their bestfriend, they knew how much she has liked matt and were happy for her.

meanwhile, matt had just gotten home where he saw nick and chris were both mad that he didn't tell them since they told each other everything.

"why the fuck didn't you tell us matt?!?" nick asked as matt walked through their door. "hello to you too." he said trying to diffuse the tension.

"you don't get a hello, you kept it from us and we tell each other everything." chris imputed sounding a little hurt.

matt sighed knowing the only reason why he didn't tell them was because lilith asked him not to and he only wanted to respect her decision, the two boys in front of him didn't know that though.

"guys i would've told you but lilith didn't want anyone to know yet and i wanted to respect that decision. so i don't really care if you're mad because i only did it since she asked me too." matt said pushing the other dumbfounded boys aside and walking up to his room.

nick and chris looked at each other regretting what they had said. they didn't mean to be like that they just expected matt to tell them but now they felt extremely terrible.

"fuck bro we need to apologize." chris said looking at nick who nodded. "i agree, come on then." nick said grabbing chris' arm as he pulled him to the matt's bedroom.

matt was on his bed texting lilith when his door burst open causing him to look up.

"we're sorry matt." nick said.

"yeah we didn't know you didn't tell us cause lilith didn't want anyone to know. we feel like shit now, we're really sorry." chris said sympathetically in which matt just smiled.

he knew his brothers would apologize and he was glad they did, he hated when they argued.

"it's good." he told them getting up from his bed. "just let me explain first, i hate when we argue." he told them laughing.

chris and nick nodded.

"me too, but what happened with lilith anyways?" nick asked curiously.

"the other night i confessed and we kissed and then i asked her on a date." matt said making the other two boys smile.

"so you finally have a girlfriend." chris said patting him on the back.

matt shook his head, "no not yet i'm planning to ask her soon though." he spoke smiling.

nick and chris looked at one another smiling, they knew how much their brother liked lilith and were hoping only the best for him.

sorry for the very late update im not sure when the next chapter will be out but it will probably be messages

hope you guys are doing well :)

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