2.2 Return of Candy Apples

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"Girls! Let's go!" Miss Abby yells as she claps

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"Girls! Let's go!" Miss Abby yells as she claps. The girls and I then walk into the studio with our mothers. "Come on, girls! Let's go!" We then all stood in a line in front of miss Abby.

"I want to start off talking a little bit about the dance troupe in Greensboro, North Carolina. That was not the group in Lake Tahoe that just won a national championship. Obviously, cute still works in the Carolinas. Kendall, you did your solo. Scared to death. That face was not an Abby Lee Miller face, that's for certain." Miss Abby said, let's be serious, that was her first time dancing at a competition, she's not gonna be amazing, she only had three days to learn the routine. I still get nervous and I've been on the competition team doing a new dance every week for a year.

"Well, Abby, that was her first time-" Jill tried to speak up for her daughter but miss Abby cut her off.

"Uh-oh, pssh, we don't get to talk. It's my turn. This weekend, we are headed to Columbus, Ohio. You know who lives in Ohio?" Miss Abby asked us.

"Candy Apples!" Chloe cheers.

"We are going there, and she will be at the competition. I don't want any squawking between the mothers. You are all on the same team, and we're all going to take a bite out of that big apple." Miss Abby said and we all laughed as she pretended to bite something, she looked so silly.

"All right, we're going to start with the pyramid. On the bottom, Kendall." Miss Abby says taking the paper off her face. "You are on probation. That means that I am watching you like a hawk. Do you understand me?" Miss Abby asked her and she nodded her head looking sad.

"Mackenzie, I keep giving you little parts. Your dancing is not up to where the rest of the girls are. When Maddie was seven, she could have done the choreography." Miss Abby said to her.

"Brooke, you knew the number, but the crying and the hysteria... thats not a young adult."

"Paige, you did a nice job this weekend. Then on the bus coming home, we told you to sit down 32 times. I counted. That's 31 too many." Miss Abby said and then Kelly started talking and I already knew this wasn't gonna end well.

"Every single one of them were playing on the bus."

"But it doesn't make it right. She's your daughter" miss Abby said.

"You should yell at them too" Kelly said, sticking up for her daughter. Miss Abby just rolled her eyes and continued with the pyramid.

"Nia, I left you here in the same spot that you were in last week. Maybe somebody from Nia's family could show up to the competition and watch her and clap for her."

"Next we have Chloe. Chloe, you did a great job." Miss Abby told her. "I know you can do better"

"Kennedy, you danced beautifully, you messed up a littler but you covered it, I'm very proud of you" miss Abby told me and I smiled at her.

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