2.7 Bullets and Ballet

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"Ladies, let's go! Come on!" Miss Abby yells as we all walk into the room

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"Ladies, let's go! Come on!" Miss Abby yells as we all walk into the room.

"We have lots to go over, it's going to be a busy, busy, busy week here. No coming late, no leaving early, now, Texas. We had all these plans made, to go to New Jersey and then at the last minute, we have to completely flip it. There's a lot of dance companies in this country that would have said, 'fine we're not going', but we didn't do that, we went, some great things happened and some really bad things happened. Now, this week we are going to Hollywood Vibe, right here in Pittsburg." Miss Abby said and I was so happy that I got to spend the weekend at home and not in a hotel again. the moms seemed pretty relived as well.

"I want to see 100% from every single one of you. Remember, we're in our own backyard. You have a target on your back, so do I. The group number is called private eyes, I'm gonna arm you with a secret weapon. Your going to be using guns in your routine. When you step on that stage, I want you to kill it, understood? Your gonna blow the competition away." She says and the moms look shocked that we're using guns.

"i don't know how i feel about using guns, i mean it seems a little intense"

"Now we're going to move onto the pyramid." Miss Abby said as she turned around to face the mirrors.

"Mackenzie, you went from second to worst, in one routine. You always have to keep working." she said removing the paper over kenzie's face.

"Nia, you got a pretty dance, I thought you did well, no problem."

"Kendall, I understand the costume was an issue. Jill I'm sure you have something to say about it but I'll tell you what, it doesn't matter what you wear. Ultimately at the end of the day, it's your technique and that's what you need to work on."

"Alright, next, Maddie, Maddie you could have been seriously injured. Get that pout off your face Maddie, you know you made that mistake and that's what you get. So let that be a lesson to everybody, don't change your mind in midair."

"Moving on, Chloe, Chloe it was good but obviously not good enough."

"Next Kennedy, you worked well, you really played the part in your routine even though it was on a gym floor, you danced well but you need to work on you timing a little bit." she tells me and i nod my head.

"Next, I have Brooke. Great performance and then, you forgot the ending, you didn't know what you were doing and you just, fizzled out."

"And on the top of the pyramid. Paige. Paige, your legs were straight, your feet were pointed, and you went out there and you won it, congratulations."

"Thank you" she replied, Kelly looked super happy that her kids are not on the bottom for once.

Brooke Kennedy
Chloe Maddie Kendall Nia

"Alright ladies, the group number everyone will be dancing, except Mackenzie. I'm gonna enter a trio, chloe, Maddie, and Paige. I'm gonna pick you back into the trio because your on the top of the pyramid, Kendall, get the look off your face, I can't take any chances this week, I need to win. Kennedy, you will be doing a duet with... hmm, Brooke. Chloe, you will be doing a solo, Maddie you will be doing a solo, Kennedy you will also be doing a solo, we're taking 3 champions that already won at Hollywood vibe, I'm telling you, one of you better win it again. I want to see that champion in the studio, your dismissed, thank you" miss Abby said and we thought she meant us as well as our moms but she only meant the moms. "Not you girls, spread apart."

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