2 -- The Egg

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"Kiandra Muirgen..." the woman sings once again as she laid atop Kiandra, turning the young man's face to face her.

"Kiandra..." she smiled, still holding her cold webbed hand over his warm human hand that was still protecting the pearl within.

He looked into her glowing, shimmering blue eyes. They looked like two large pearls in the darkness.

She gently pressed the pearl that Kiandra was holding against his forehead as his vision seemed to illuminate the darkness as he then could see her as clear as day.

She was very beautiful to behold.

Shimmering with blue flickering dancing lights like icy cold fireflies rising from her body. Her long reddish-blonde hair shimmered with glowing hues of green. And her scaly skin glimmered like diamonds of silver and blue.

"H—how do you know my name?" Kiandra asked, mystified.

The mysterious woman looked as wild as the sea. Her hair somewhat disheveled, and yet, every strand seemed to know its exact place. Her blue eyes were striking as they commanded a simple primitive power and a glimmer of love...a feeling foreign to Kiandra's heart.

Her seductive gaze turned to the glowing pearl within Kiandra's hand. She pried open the young man's numb fingers, looking at the priceless treasure laying in the palm of his delicate hand. She leaned her face towards the pearl and opened her mouth as she placed her soft steely blue lips upon the pearl to Kiandra's horror.

"No!" Kiandra cried out, pushing her back "It isn't food!"

The mysterious woman gently spat the pearl back in the palm of his hand as she looked satisfied with a hidden knowledge that she just obtained. She looked hungrily at the young man as he clinched the pearl over his heart, terrified.

"Please don't eat it!" he tells her "I'll buy you anything that you desire to eat. Just, please show me the way out of this cave!" the woman leaned ever closer to Kiandra's face, towards the pearl.

"No! Get off of me you shameless 'naked' woman!?" noticing that her small breasts were not hidden behind clothing. In fact, it appeared that she wasn't wearing any clothes at all.

'Where the hell am I?' he panicked as he had never seen a naked woman that wasn't his own mother. His brown eyes caught the glisten of silvery plates that seemed glued to her skin. They were all glossy with a thin coat of mucus and oil.

[Poor thing.] the woman screeched in a strange tongue that sounded like dolphins trying to speak in human words. Kiandra did not understand a single squeak, chatter, or trill that the woman had made.

"I don't know what you are saying!" the young man struggled to slide away from the imposing woman. "I want to get out! Out! Do you even understand me? Show. Way. Out."

The woman wrapped her scaly cold arms under the young man's back as he was pulled upwards off of the ground and cradled against her slimy scaly breasts. Her whole body seemed to swivel as Kiandra struggled against her mighty grip.

"What are you doing!?" he cried out, squirming over her shoulder as he looked down at the deep black abyss on the other side. The water splashes and thrashed as a silvery shimmering blue tail emerged from the water and its body connected to the woman's torso.

'Is...is that a fish tail!?' his mind finally caught up with his eyes 'It is attached to her body!'

He gasped as the oral legends and the poem resurfaced in his head. His fate was like that of his ancestor, as he now was is the grips of a Celtic legend! A single word murmured in his head: Mermaid!

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