3 -- The Escape

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Nearly two hours have passed as the sunlight was directly overhead. During that time, Kiandra had been asleep for almost two hours. His face was stained with many tears that he shed during his restless slumber.

He heard crackling sounds as a blue flame of Fae magic was keeping the room overly warm. It was a sight to behold as the flame wasn't consuming wood or flammable materials. And yet, it was burning just like fire.

He glanced about, seeing that someone must have come around while he was sleeping. For a silky soft red blanket was draped over him and the fire was kindled in the center of the room.

While lying in foetus position, he again was cradling the massive egg against his belly and thighs. The egg was nice and warm, like cuddling up to a warm stone. He should have been repulsed by the fact that he was cradling a strange relic, but for some stranger reason, the egg brought him happiness.

He closed his eyes, holding the egg as he laid there, thinking about what was happening to him. In his few hours in this land, he had learned absolutely nothing about where he was; who these people were; and why there is a mermaid nearby.

Everything about this world reminded him of the stories that his grandfather had once talked about, regarding the Faery World in Ireland, and how it was deadly towards humans if they should ever be spirited away to the Sidhe.

'Once a human enters the Sidhe, they are never quite the same again.' his grandfather once told him.

Apparently, that was what happened to his ancestor, the Lord of Dunkerron. He was spirited away by the Merrow, and taken to the Otherworld. That short time in the Sidhe was enough to curse him and the descendants of the O'Sullivan's.

"I wish I had paid closer attention to those stories, now." Kiandra grumbled, finding himself in the middle of his own Otherworldly Story. And the hopes of returning to the World of Man seemed grimmer by the passing hour.

He ended up being saved by a mermaid who had stolen his pearl. Wandered into a village that seemed primitive for the modern age, and now was paired up with one of their eggs.

Even though he could not see it...he felt like a new curse had befallen him. And unlike his ancestor, he feared that there would be no escape for him.

Slowly sitting up, the red blanket sliding off of his body as he looked down at the glowing egg as it seemed that the scales upon the egg were becoming looser. He took the red blanket, and wrapped it gently around the egg to keep it warm with his expended body heat.

He stopped as once again he had caught himself doing something strangely out of character once more. He might be coldhearted towards human adults, but towards the unborn and children, there was still warmth in his heart to care for them. It was that which made it impossible for him to take over his parents' business.

"It is probably because I cannot bear children of my own." he muttered, dismissing his parenteral behaviors towards the unborn creature inside this egg.

He slowly stood up, walking to the wooden bar's that served as his door. He noticed that the natives had dismantled the ramp that he had walked to reach this dwelling. He was suspended almost 15 feet in the air, inside this building.

He gripped the wooden polished bars and shook the door weakly, but found it to remain locked with thickened vines. He cried out in a mournful wail, wishing that someone would take pity on him and free him from his confinement.

"Please...someone!" he whined, sniffling as he wiped the tears from his teary eyes "Please! Let me out! I didn't do anything wrong! I just want to go home!"

No one paid any attention, as no one could understand a single word that he was speaking. He turned away from the door as his sore stomach gripe once more. He came to realize that he had not eaten anything since yesterday, and now the hunger pangs were settling in.

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