ᴇɴᴛʀɪᴇs [𝟶𝟹]

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Creeping fingers that had belonged to your terrible migraine retracted in your sleep. They moved liked a shadowy unit, retreating along your hairline scratching against the sheets of your pillow and scaling the walls, phantoms of pain and torture. Slowly, stealthily, they slipped along the walls scurrying towards the tiniest gap of air between the window pane and seal, escaping into the night.

 Along with them, they abducted the worst of your nightmares, bringing them as feeble offerings to the deity of the moon, desperate to please their mistress. Unbeknownst to them, the nightmares were also dastardly memories of a long forgotten past, a devious little taint on your brain. It was why you woke up the next morning with a weight lifted off of your shoulders.

Wrapping your fluffy purple towel around your body, you stepped out of the shower, breathing in the air of the citrus bathroom freshener. Really, you should have showered last night, to scrub those pieces of that greasy party off of your skin, but you were too exhausted. Maybe the thumping base of trashy music was not the correct ailment to your migraine. You fell into disturbed sleep the moment your head touched the safety of your pillow. That was why waking up in such an exuberant mood was more of a surprise to you, especially seeing as you were starting your first classes today.

Giving Thomas a small nod of greeting as you passed him on his way into the bathroom, you ducked into your shared room. Mina was already having breakfast, which you were thankful for. The girl snored like a damn tank engine, and you weren't sure if you would be able to restrain yourself from throttling her if you saw her.

 Sitting at the end of your bed, you swiped your arms over the skin you had pampered with your rose body wash. The very key step to looking good was feeling good, is what your mother always told you, her only daughter. On your nightstand, your phone vibrated with another text message.

To say that Floch hadn't been texting you incessantly was an understatement. It was part of the reason why you were in such a rush to get sleep, last night, just so you could have an excuse to ignore him. Besides this, it didn't stop the small smile that crossed over your face because of his good morning text. He even had the courtesy to call you beautiful. Replying the text, you moved over to your suitcase, digging around for your body lotion and suitable underwear.

Twenty minutes later, you were in a blush pink, sexy wrap shirt and forest green trousers, with frayed edges. It sent out a message; that there were brains behind this beauty as well. Styling your hair, you turned and mumbled a greeting as Mina slipped into the room behind you. She was in her denim dress and cardigan mix that you had seen yesterday, except the colour scheme had changed to black and white. It suited her pretty complexion well.

"How are you feeling about your first day?" She questioned, beginning to braid her own hair.

Her British accent never failed to catch you off guard, the standard pronunciation of her words just seemed so different to you. You found yourself focusing on her thin, pink lips when she spoke, absorbing the way her very mouth moved differently as she released the syllables from her mouth. It seemed as if the letter T was absent from her mental dictionary as well. The way she held out her As also continued to fascinate you. How could one species be so increasingly diverse in every aspect of what they did?

"Ambivalent, I suppose. Shiganshina is pretty daunting." You replied, lips tight, still refusing to forgive her for the snoring.

She nodded, pulling the braid over her shoulder and sliding a patterned headband onto head. Mina pouted at her reflection in her phone screen for a few moments before choosing to reply to you. She scrunched her nose in a little smile of support.

"Don't worry about. Imagine me moving all the way here from London, people thought I was out of my mind. This little place grew on me eventually, I know you'll love it too." She encouraged, grabbing her white Mary Jane's and exiting the room.

Aphrodisiac| e. jaegerWhere stories live. Discover now