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The summer before his junior year is when everything seems to change. His feelings for Taehyun take him over and make him feel like he's walking on air. They start their relationship slowly, never testing the limits. Taehyun was scared to even lay a finger on him. Eventually, Beomgyu coaxes physical affection out of him and lets him know that it's okay to touch him. Two weeks after their first kiss is when the question of their relationship status comes up.

"If I asked you to go out with me," Taehyun trails off one night while they watch a comedy movie together in his room.

Beomgyu glanced up at him from resting his head on his chest. "Go out where, to dinner?" He teases.

"No, no," Taehyun stammers, causing Beomgyu to dote on his innocent demeanor. "If I asked you to, uhm, be my boyfriend? What would you say?"

"I'd say yes," Beomgyu smiles widely, gazing up into Taehyun's wide eyes, "Is that what you're asking me?"

Taehyun blushes and nods, saying, "Yes."

"Then yes," he confirms, "I'll go out with you."

Beomgyu keeps it on the low for a little bit but finds out that hiding his newfound love for Taehyun is much harder than he expected. Yeonjun was the most suspicious one, with Ryujin joining in and sharing his assumptions. Eventually, he told them after a grueling dance session and an episode of grilling him for details on his and Taehyun's date at the beach the night beforehand.

Beomgyu finds the thrill of sneaking around with Taehyun exciting. They end up spending the night in each other's beds after his parents fall asleep. They've almost gotten caught a few times, which made for some mischievous interactions with his mother and father. Even though he enjoys sneaking around, he can't help but wonder if they could ever be openly affectionate around one another. Engaging in this relationship would mean that if Taehyun did end up staying with them over the course of the school year, then they wouldn't be able to be public there either. Anyone could see their interactions and make their assumptions, which worried Beomgyu. If his father ever did find out, he'd be doomed and Taehyun would be too. Beomgyu's father and mother were pretty much oblivious to their relationship anyways. They probably assumed that they were forming some brotherly bond with all the time they were spending together. Still, they had to watch out for their relationship's sake.

The first month of summer vacation flew by. Beomgyu spent his time focusing on the dance competition. He, Yeonjun, and Ryujin were spending hours in the home gym focusing on their individual routines. They would critique each other and Ryujin was even able to set up her tablet to record them. Beomgyu tended to pick himself apart when he watched the film back. It was an unhealthy form of self-criticism, but it was needed for him to improve.

On the day of the competition, he's a ball of nerves. He could hardly sleep the night before, even after Taehyun's arms wrap around him. He wakes up early and heads down to the gym to run through his routine. He hardly has to think of what expression to pull off anymore. It all comes naturally as he lets out a smirk before spinning on the ball of his foot.

His routine was a short one, only clocking in at five minutes long like the competition designated. Beomgyu hoped that it would be enough to make a lasting impression on the judges. A lot of dancers he knew from groups on his Instagram were accepted into the competition. He wondered how he would come across as unique to the judges out of hundreds of competitors.

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