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Beomgyu can hardly contain his excitement for the day as he tries to busy himself with cleaning his and Yeonjun's apartment. Today, he was seeing Taehyun for the first time in two months since he started playing for the Triple-A affiliate team for the Oakland Athletics. The Triple-A team was located in Las Vegas, which made it difficult for him and Taehyun to see each other. The past few months had been rough without him. They tried their best to make the long-distance relationship work, but Beomgyu ended up craving him even more. Between his college classes and Taehyun's busy schedule, it was difficult for them to find time for each other.

Unfortunately, the distance was starting to take a toll on their relationship. Their sweet nothings were replaced with short conversations and sometimes, bickering over little things. Beomgyu worried a lot about how they could last like this. He wanted to make sure that today they amended everything before Taehyun had to go back to Vegas. Pretty soon, he would be done with minor league baseball for the season and be coming back to Los Angeles for a few months before the season started once again.

"Why are you making this place look spotless when Taehyun isn't going to care?" Yeonjun questions him as he vacuums the carpet for the hundredth time. "You've seen how his room looks, he doesn't care about whether stuff is clean or not."

"I'm just trying to distract myself," Beomgyu tells him, "Plus, I like to clean."

Yeonjun rolls his eyes playfully and walks into the kitchen. Their living arrangement worked out great. He and Yeonjun had almost the same classes, and they tolerated each other well. Beomgyu heard the horror stories of how best friends who lived together would turn into enemies before the end of the semester. Luckily, halfway into the semester, neither of them felt that way.

He overhears rustling in the kitchen and he glances over to see that Yeonjun has re-emerged next to the corridor by their living room. He was eating from a large bag of plain potato chips and wearing just his boxer briefs in staple Choi Yeonjun fashion.

"Well, I'm going out with Heeseung tonight, so don't worry about trying to be quiet when you and Taehyun fuck tonight," he says with a mouthful of chips.

Lee Heeseung was a guy that Beomgyu met during an R&B concert that USC sponsored. He was required to attend the concert and write up an essay about it for his music appreciation class. He met him when their seats were assigned next to one another. Heeseung was the same age as him, but he wasn't a student at USC. Beomgyu quickly hit it off with him as they discussed their passion for music. Heeseung was shy, but Beomgyu was able to break into his bubble and pull out the playful side of him. He learned that Heeseung was an aspiring music producer. Right now, he worked in the underground music industry releasing various tracks while also working part-time at a clothing shop near Venice Beach.

Beomgyu introduced Heeseung to Yeonjun and the rest was history. He couldn't describe the friendship between Heeseung and Yeonjun. They were insanely funny together; always cracking jokes and playing pranks. Yeonjun brought out a wild side to Heeseung that he'd never seen before. Beomgyu was glad he met him.

"What are you and Heeseung doing tonight?" Beomgyu asks curiously as he turns off the vacuum.

"I've been wanting to go to Malibu recently," Yeonjun speculated, "I might check out some shops there and drag Heeseung along. Maybe after we'll go to the beach."

"Sounds romantic," Beomgyu teased.

"Just because he told us that he's pan doesn't mean anything," Yeonjun defended with a chuckle, "Do you want me to have sex with every hot guy I meet? That's how friendships are ruined."

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